Brief Introduction on Aquamarine
This article is about to introduce one of the treasure, aquamarine, which is used widely in vintage jewelry making.
The word Aquamarine was derived from Sea Water in Latin. It was said that this kind of beautiful fancy diamond was found in the bottom of the sea,
which was the essence of sea water, thus navigators take it as mascot to pray for navigating safety, and it is the most beloved and prevail item for jewelry making industry as well.Name: aquamarineIngredients: beryllium aluminum silicateCrystal structure: hexagonal crystallineHardness: 7.5Optical property: refractive index, 1.57 - 1.58, double refractionOrigins: Madagascar, Indian, Pakistan, former Soviet Union, BrazilDifference between aquamarine and its similar natural gem and synthetic oneNatural gem that is similar to aquamarine contains blue citrine and zircon while synthetic aquamarine contains blue spinel and man-made glass. The big and obvious method to distinguish the gem from topaz and zircon is their different densities: topaz is 3.59 grams / cubic centimeters, zircon is 4.69 grams / cubic centimeter, and there is an obvious sense of heavy due to the large density. When observed the edges on the bottom by using a magnifying glass, zircon and topaz can both take on double shadow while aquamarine is not that clear. Zircon is of high chromatic dispersion. When it comes to crystal morphology, topaz is of orthorhombic columnar while zircon of quartet columnar. Though color of the artificial glass and synthetic spinel is similar to aquamarine, the two are heterogeneity, which is the obvious distinction.Valuation and PurchaseAccording to elements like color, transparency and weight, the one that is flawless, of deep color and relatively large weight is qualified choice. Characteristics of aquamarine are sky and navy blue, glass luster, less inclusions, clear, transparency, of weak dichroism, and hexagonal crystalline. Collisions should be avoided when wearing.It was regarded as stone of brevity since the ancient time and symbol of happiness and youth. Countries in the world take aquamarine as birth stone of March, which symbolize one’s clever, brave and calm personality. Some people think wearing a jewelry made with the stone can endow people prophetic vision. In addition, it is said the stone is of force of hypnotic and anti-evils and the magical medical value, water that has dipped aquamarine is beneficial for cures of diseases of eyes and hiccups. Source of aquamarine is mainly saved in pegmatite deposits – mainly in the sugar granulated albitization pegmatite. The world’s most famous origin of aquamarine is in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, then China, Russia and other regions. It was reported that an aquamarine crystal which is 19 inches long, 16 inches wide and of 243 pounds is entirely transparent, green inside while blue outside; Found in 1912, the stone is supposed to be the largest aquamarine in the world.Most aquamarine would take on tone of green with slight blue, which is like the shallow in some famous sea resort. Contain of iron element is the cause of its regular color. The stone and emerald belong to beryl which is of good hardness and flashing brilliance. Due to the contents of elements of chromium or vanadium, emerald would embody a slight tone of emerald green, while iron lead to the elegant color of aquamarine. Though belong to the same family, the price of emerald is relatively higher than aquamarine. However, the stone we are talking about in the article is widely of good clarity and higher production, among which big piece of the item has been found as well. Thus it is affordable for you to have an item made with the stone, elegant and precious, even though you are not rich enough. A dreamy item can be achieved by application of the stone.