Can Moving Blankets be used for soundproofing?
Recording studios, musicians and film makers have a need to deaden the sound and need to create a special requirements for making a good recording. specially designed a moving blanket for sound proofing with thickness of the blanket 8.2 lbs which seems to be optimal for sound proofing without making blanket too bulky and difficult to handle.
Use of MOVING BLANKETS for SOUNDPROOFING. Since I started to offer
moving blankets for sale online – I noticed that majority of online customers are not moving companies or movers. One unexpected demand to use moving blankets was for deadening sound. Once I got an urgent request from a customer who had to have the blankets NOW! because her dog was making so much noise – landlord threatened to evict her! We delivered the same day and she was happy. Many orders come from recording studios,

musicians and film makers. People who need to create a special requirements for making a good recording. With cooperation from one of them we specially designed a moving blanket for sound proofing. The thickness of the blanket was suggested to be 8.2 lbs which seems to be optimal for sound proofing without making blanket too bulky and difficult to handle. The Color choice , One side Black and the other side White, was also selected to satisfy film maker’s special light reflection requirements. FILM MAKER'S BLANKETS MOVING BLANKET FOR SOUND PROOFING Can Moving Blankets be used for soundproofing?Once I got this e-mail: Hi, I noticed that in your packing blanket section you make mention of noise control use. Just wondering if you can provide me with any noise absorption specifications relating to the different blanket categories. Thanks for any help! -Dan I started to search for specs and came across an interesting chatroom of Filmmakers where they discuss the topic of using moving blankets for sound proofing ( dvxuser-dot-com) below is the condensed version of the chats that should answer the question if the Moving blankets can be suitable for soundproofing and what to expect from them.:Q: I understand the usefulness if not necessity of having so-called "sound blankets" to absorb sound, especially with my less than ideal mics etc.. I know that there are special blankets made of special materials and that's what you pros probably use. And I know they cost a way more than I can afford. Here's my question: Can I get reasonable (not necessarily best possible) results just using inexpensive quilted furniture moving pads? I don't see why I can't just get a few of these and add some grommets so that I can hang them if I want to. They might not be the best at deadening sound (stopping reflections), but the large thick type should certainly help the acoustics in many indoor situations. A: Yes, movers blankets are fine, provided they are thick like. Acoustic treatment is one area where I dont place a whole heap of value in buying specialist products (at least, not for on set applications). I say this because having a carpeted room in a quiet neighborhood with some soft furniture (beds/couches) inside is often enough to give good results if the correct mic choice is made (here Im not talking make and model, but polar pattern), and that mic is put in an appropriate place. And when you DO get optimal recording conditions, then your audio sounds INCREDIBLE. Q: So, next question, once you have the large thick movers blankets, what is the best way to suspend them. Would you use light stands with a "knuckle" (I think thats what it is called) or some other type of special clamp, or would you use a background setup with a pole stretched between two stands and then suspend the blanket from the pole? Or would you only drape the blankets around the room. I should have prefaced this with the situation is that you are shooting an interview in a room with poor acoustics. If suspending the blankets gives better sound, what is the best way to do it? A: What really makes the difference, is the surface area the blanket covers, and the distance from the speaker. As sound leaves a speakers mouth, the closer the blanket is to them, the less surfaces the noise can be reflected off before it gets absorbed by the blanket. Back in our old office, we used a small tiled bathroom as a vocal booth for doing music recordings. Normally, this would be a nightmare acoustically. But we hung a sleeping bag (inside out) covering the entire wall the singers were facing. All the sound projected in that direction would be absorbed, and the recordings really came out great sounding in there. Comment From another member: “I want to get great sound, but only want to spend $500 - tell me how". I think it is a natural reaction to read a post like that and basically say "for $500 your sound will be crap". Okay, now that I have gotten that off my chest, let's get to the topic at hand - moving blankets. Yes, moving blankets work well as sound blankets. But, you want the good, thick ones, not the thin ones. And, if you have an option, get them in both light and dark colors. Your lighting team will thank you. Q: Hi all, just read thru and couldn't find any refs. to....shouldn't you find out what frequencies the 'blankets' attenuate before ordering. Custom designed sound foam and tiles refer to certain frequencies for users to specify. If any of the these blankets attenuate the mid voice range, then they could be trouble? A: The blankets are not for sound proofing but diffusion. A lot of things work to do this including the human body but blankets are the most convenient tool that can be taken from set to set easily. Q: Sorry, I didn't have in mind sound proofing but if a set is too live for your voices, shouldn't you have a rough idea what frequencies your blankets will absorb rather than diffuse? And how do you measure that, how many blankets do you put up, first time on that set? Hard questions all, experience with your chosen blankets for different size rooms is the answer I guess. And as you say portability is paramount. A: From a post perspective you probably cant make it too dead. If you sound post is all going to be in FCP or another NLE then I would try to avoid REALLY dead but you don't have much chance of ever getting a set dead, there is just too much other stuff around. Trying to accommodate the recording studios and filmmakers demand supply them with quality inexpensive blankets we manufactured special blankets for filmmakers. Blankets are made out of Cotton outer fabric with 8.2 lbs per blanket recycled cotton filling. One side Black and the other side is White. Polyester bound all around for added durability. The blankets are currently in stock and they feel like very nice ones! Grommets: We will place grommets on them according to your specifications individually.