Crime Intuition

Mar 27


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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Maybe you have seen the television show called Medium where the woman is a psychic medium that can help the police to solve crime.


Maybe you have seen the television show called Medium where the woman is a psychic medium that can help the police to solve crimes,Crime Intuition Articles and can help people to find the truth out about the mysteries they face in their lives. Generally this person in this television program speaks to the dead or receives messages from the dead while she is dreaming. Sometimes she dreams of a scenario that has not yet taken place and she knows that if she can put all of the clues together then she can stop the crime from happening. She uses intuition through dreaming to sense things that are going to happen to her or to other people and she takes that intuitive dream and interprets it to discover how to change the reality of what she saw.

Many people use intuition through dreaming although most of us experience these phenomena from time to time. You have undoubtedly had a dream where you saw something happen to you that was either good or bad. In the dream you could see that you should not go out alone with the dark haired boy from down the street because something was going to happen if you did. If you listened to the intuition through dreaming and refused to go on a date with this young man you may never know what would have really occurred but if you ignore the dream and go on the date you more than likely will realize the trouble you were warning yourself about.

Our intuitive powers are at work all of the time but we sometimes will not listen to them. We are so busy allowing all of the noises of the world to enter our thoughts that we do not allow the quiet thoughts that are trying to guide us safely through this life to be heard. So when we go to sleep our subconscious mind can use intuition through dreaming to show us what we already know. All we have to do is pay attention to the dream and try and understand the true meaning of it.

Dreams play out like miniature movies but often it seems like maybe the person playing the movie skipped some of the scenes and you were left missing pieces of information that could explain all that was occurring. You have to learn to interpret your dreams and to realize that everything we see in the dream may not be a literal representation of the thing that is about to happen. Just because we see someone die may not foretell their death but may foretell an accident or injury they are about to have. When we dream of trouble we need to heed these warnings and we need to act on them appropriately