December tends to be a hectic time for most of us and before we know ... is upon us. Your thoughts may then turn to the goals you’re goingto set yourself during next year. As a coach I work with
December tends to be a hectic time for most of us and before we know it
January is upon us. Your thoughts may then turn to the goals you’re going
to set yourself during next year. As a coach I work with people to set
goals that work for them and encourage them on the route to achieving them.
I’ve found that many people want to set goals in January and this is great,
but they often forget to review what they’ve achieved previously.
December is a great time to reflect on your achievements during the past
year, both personally and professionally. I really encourage you to take
some time to write this down. Think back to January 1st and ask yourself,
“How far have I come this year?” What have I achieved?”, “How have I
improved myself?” and “What were my strengths?”
Remember to include achievements which relate to you as a person. Perhaps
you’ve become more relaxed or more focused. The feeling of success which
derives from reviewing the past year’s achievements can be a wonderful
inspiration for what you can strive for during the next year. In the quest
to achieve more, we often forget how far we’ve come. This continuous
driving forward can leave us feeling that there’s something missing in our
success. I challenge you to harness and use your strengths fully and be
ready to set goals in January. What will it take for you to do this?
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As the year draws to a close, take a moment to reflect on your achievements and set your sights on what you still can accomplish. Are you on track to fulfill your goals, or do you find yourself regretting missed opportunities? Now is the perfect time to reassess your objectives and push towards a successful conclusion to the year.