Get your Ex Back: Using PMA To Get Your Ex Back
This article reviews a few key strategies that, when used correctly, will help you get your ex back
There are some things that actually work to help get your ex back. Certainly there were strong feeling for each other before the break up,

and no matter what caused the riff, 90% of all break ups can be salvaged. Does this make you feel any better?
I'll bet it gives your confidence a positive jolt! You need to be serious about getting your ex back because it will take a bit of work and effort, but by directing that energy into the right methods things will work out. But a word of caution, if the correct "methods" aren't used, it could make you even more miserable.
The first thing you have to do is dial up a healthy dose of patience. Give your ex a bunch of space. Let your ex have a chance to 'miss' you or you may find they don't want you back. Don't try to make them feel about you the way you want them to feel, just bide your time and hope to push them in that direction be being scarce.
Do not contact your ex right now. That will drive them further away. Get busy with other parts of your life. Work more hours, visit family members, hang out with old friends, anything to break the focus on your ex.
Begin to work on the things that will bring positive changes to your life. Your ex will eventually learn of how well you're doing and that you're getting along fine without them. That's exactly what you hope to accomplish. They will soon want to talk with you and be around you again. That is using the power of attraction to your advantage in order to get your ex back.
When the first contact is made after your transformation, do not bring up anything about the break up or getting back together. Take little bitty baby steps right now. This has to be a fresh period of 'getting to know you' again! That will undoubtably bring back their feelings of wanting to be with you again.
Going through a break up hurts and it's a lonely feeling, but it doesn't need to be that way. Stay positive, be happy, work on yourself. The right advice is available for you to get your ex back.