House Cleaning with an Organized Twist
House cleaning may not be your idea of fun but it is something that is inevitable, regardless of whether you live in a huge home or a small apartment. For the sake of your health, safety and sanity you need to clean and tidy the home you live in! Please read on.
If you are tired of your house looking like a tornado swept through it then you need to do what you can to get it back into proper order. You will not mind when company drops by if you do! House cleaning may not be your idea of fun but it is something that is inevitable,
regardless of whether you live in a huge home or a small apartment. For the sake of your health, safety and sanity you need to clean and tidy the home you live in!
If you groan at the thought of house cleaning then you need to make a plan. Create a schedule for yourself. For example decide you will clean give the kitchen a thorough cleaning on a Monday and the bathroom on Tuesday and so on. It is advisable to clean in small blocks of time more frequently than to do a big clean of your whole home once a week. You will keep your house cleaner if you tend to it more often. Doing so will also mean you do not have to spend as much time all once on your house cleaning duties.
Take a look at each room that needs to be cleaned and do an inventory of it. Look for the problem areas and from there figure out what you need. Is a broom your best friend in this case, a mop, a vacuum cleaner or a sponge? Or do you just need a rag and cleaner to get the room looking its best? Once you have taken a close look at the room you will know exactly what you need.
The amount of house cleaning that needs to be completed will vary from room to room. It will also be determined by whether or not the room is a high traffic room and what activates take place in the room, such as eating, sleeping, relaxing or playing.
Sometimes clutter is what is causing your residence to not be as clean as it could be. If you are afraid to open the linen closet for fear that you will be attacked by bedding then it is time to sort through the items that you have stored in the closet. You don’t want any area of your home to be busting at the seams. House cleaning can take many forms. At times it is more about tidying up than cleaning up dirt or dust.
Whether it is a hall closet, a drawer in the kitchen or a corner of your basement, if it is cluttering up the area as a whole then you need to spend some time doing some old fashioned sorting. You may be surprised to find many items that you have not used in a while or did not even remember you still had.
If you clean better with music on then choose some songs that will lift your spirits and get you into a cleaning frame of mind. Choose lively upbeat songs that will allow you to shake your hips and move your feet faster as you work. In this way you will associate good feelings with cleaning your home and making it look fantastic!