How To Be Handsomely Rewarded in These Times of Astounding and Radical Change

May 30


Noel Peebles

Noel Peebles

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Do you want to be rich? It sounds ... Of course you’d like to be rich, wouldn’t ... But do you want to be really rich? Your words might say you do, but your thoughts and actions very of


Do you want to be rich? It sounds ridiculous. Of course you’d like to
be rich,How To Be Handsomely Rewarded in These Times of Astounding and Radical Change Articles wouldn’t everybody? But do you want to be really rich? Your
words might say you do, but your thoughts and actions very often say
something entirely different.

If you are still doing things the same way you’ve always done things,
then reading this could be the most important thing you do all year.

Why? Because your thoughts and actions can be the fuel your business
needs to get up and running. Your thoughts and actions can also act
like a ‘straight jacket’ making it easy for competitors to knock you
around. However, if you are willing to make a personal commitment
to perpetual re-education, you will come face-to-face with the most
exceptional opportunities the world has ever seen.

Start by redefining your business to satisfy the wants and needs of
baby-boomers (born 1945 - 1965). By doing this you will be
handsomely rewarded in these times of astounding and radical change.

We have all been exposed to more change in the last 20 years than
mankind has experienced in the past 2000 years. The situation is
terrifying, frightening and awesome in its potential opportunity.

We are living in one of the most exciting periods civilization has ever
known - the information age. It is a period of astounding and radical
change. This is “Frontierland” all over again… only now with computers,
jet aircraft, lasers and cellular phones at our disposal.

A phenomenon of modern society is that the rules and boundaries keep
changing. Could you look at a map of the world today and name every
country? Many geographical boundaries have changed or no longer exist.
So too have social, political and emotional boundaries. Think about how
attitudes and the world changed after 9/11. Like it or not, the rules and
boundaries are constantly changing.

We do need rules, boundaries and structure in our lives. So new ones
have been invented to replace those that no longer seem to serve our
needs. It seems that as soon as the new rules take hold, they’re
superceded as newer ones come along to replace them. Even newer
ones usually follow these and so it goes on.

Every change seems to bring with it more turbulence and chaos than
the one before. We have fewer traditions to hang on to and the world
thrives amidst constant turmoil.

Prepare yourself. That’s the message coming out of this volatile
environment. We can’t change the world, but we can change the
way we do things and the way we react to things.

If we are to succeed we absolutely must be open-minded to change
and have a personal commitment to re-education. We must be
prepared to become a champion of change rather than a victim of it.

Try it, test it and get on with it!