Organizing a room
Article about organizing rooms, keeping them clean and creating graphs.
It is very easy for things to become messy. Especially when dealing with a room. It may take hours to clean up a messy room but it only takes minutes to have it looking like a pigsty. In this article,

I will give tips that will help you have a clean room.Know source. The first thing you need to do is to find out why your room becomes cluttered. Usually, there are 3-4 main culprits why a bedroom becomes messy. Perhaps it is the fact that you leave clothes lying around or paper notes or jewelry or maybe its just high tech appliances. You should look around, keep track of what the main source of your mess is and create a simple graph. Creating a graph of your messy items will help you know what the main culprit is and will help your reduce the mess in the future. Try to create a graph.Create Plan. Now that you know what your main source of mess is, its time to create a plan. In this plan, you should write down where you think all your clutter should go. It should be somewhere with a good storage capacity and it should be conveniently located. If these items are small, use a small decorative box that will go with the bedroom decor. If the items are large, perhaps purchasing a large cardboard box will do the trick.Clean. Now its time to get your hands dirty. Place all your items inside their appropriate storage space. Make sure you have enough space for your current important items and for any future items that you will surely need to store. In addition, keep your garbage can handy. Chances are that most of your clutter is just worthless garbage. So keep a good-sized garbage bag close because you will probably end up filling it up.Stay Clean. Now the most important thing of all. Keeping your bedroom clean. This sounds easy, but its probably the hardest thing to do. It will require a lot of willpower. We do not create clutter because we want it; we do it because it is easy. It’s much easier to just throw a pair of pants or a t-shirt on a the floor of a bedroom than placing it in the dirty clothes bin located that is located in the closet. But try following your rules for 2 or 3 days and you will see that eventually it will become natural.We are all guilty of having dirty bedrooms at one point in our life. However, keeping a clean and spacious looking bedroom is simple enough if you just follow these rules. It will not be easy but eventually you will save yourself hours and maybe even days in clean up time.