Painting Flames on Your Radio Control Car

Dec 20




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When you have a radio control car, you may notice that your car is very similar to many of the other ones that your friends have or just the ones that are available in general.


When you are trying to customize your radio control car,Painting Flames on Your Radio Control Car Articles there are a few different things that you may want to try. One of the most popular things with this is flames. If you want to have them be just right in relation to the size of your car, then there are a few things that you should think about to help you paint on just the right flames on your radio control car.

The first thing you should remember when you are starting the project is to prep the car. First you will want to wash the car to get rid of any debris or dirt that may be on the car. With this, if you are going to paint the car another color, you should have this done and dried before you even start working on the flames.

The next thing you should keep in mind when you are painting flames on your radio control car is to get the tape set up for the flames. You want the tape to trace out the first color that you want the flames to be. This should be the background color, usually this is yellow, though you may want to go with red, orange or even blue depending on the look you are going for. Once you have painted this in and waited for it to fully dry, you are ready to remove the tape and move on to the other color. Simply apply the new tape and then paint this area.

When you are trying to get the tape right for your radio control car, it can be helpful to buy adhesives for this rather than trying to cut the tape to the right angles. This may be easy to do if you have great artistic skills and a steady hand, but otherwise, you should just stick to buying adhesives as this can save time and frustration and will help you to get just the look you want.

It is a good idea to remember to take it slow and steady when you are painting the radio control car. Even if you are just setting up the tape, be sure that it is on the car precisely the way you want it so that you get the best outcome. With a little attention to detail and know how, you can get the perfect customization for your radio control car.