A pendulum is a tool that has been used for divination purposes for centuries. It is an ideal way for psychics to make contact with the spirit worlds.
A pendulum is a tool that has been used for divination purposes for centuries. It is an ideal way for psychics to make contact with the spirit world. They can be used to help a psychic focus their powers and help them to answer many questions. There are many designs that can be bought, some very intricate and made with lavish materials. The psychic element of a pendulum comes from the within the user and not the item itself, it is a focus for the divination abilities of the user. So a very simple setup will do and it is not necessary to have an elaborate and expensive tool.
In the past, for example, women would use their wedding rings suspended on a strand of their hair to act as a pendulum. These were mostly used for divining the sex of unborn babies. There are some records of people using them for other purposes too, but the point is the construction of the divination device can be very simple. Any small object attached to a piece of string or cotton will do the job as long as it hangs freely. It is wise to make it as strong as possible so it does not break during use.
A pendulum can be held well between the thumb and forefinger, but any method of holding it that lets it swing freely will do. Some people like to hold it between the lengths of two fingers. Others will loop the string over a finger tip. Some people prefer these methods as it reduces the risk of conscious or sub conscious manipulation. One way that many people start is to use it to find a particular card from a set of three on the table. This is done by picking three random cards, looking at just one of them, and placing them face down. It is then suspended over the cards whilst the user visualizes the card that he or she chose. The tool should then indicate which card is the correct one. Using this exercise the user can practice their focus and increase their accuracy.
Before any successful divination is done with the pendulum it must be set in order for it to be read. This is done by “asking” it which way it swings for yes and which way it swings for no. Once this is done it can be effectively used by a skilled psychic as a way of asking questions of the spirit world. At first it may be that just simple and straightforward questions are asked. Like any other tool, however, it is just a link and a focus that is used by the psychic to gain information from the spirit world.
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