The ten minute challenge is a fun way to increase your productivity at home and at work.
When you only have a few minutes before going to lunch, attending a meeting, or leaving for an appointment, it often seems useless to start any important or involved task. But those few minutes could be a great start to getting yourself organized or chipping away at a larger project. On average this “transition time” can add up to about 40 minutes a day. This can be even more for those who commute. Think of how much you could get done with an extra 40 minutes every work day!
Instead of wasting this time, take the 10 minute challenge! Try some of the following suggestions when you have a few minutes to kill. You can even get the kids involved by setting a timer and making it a game.
- Make a list of the first few steps you need to take for a large project and, if you have time, you can start the first step. This could be making a list of materials you need or notes on who you need to call. You can take a few minutes to gather everything you will need so that the next time you have another few minutes you can dig right in and start another step with ease.
- Make an appointment with the dentist, doctor or other practitioner.
- Sort through the mail, open everything and discard all the envelopes and non essentials to recycling.
- Tidy up your email- deleting and filing.
- Straighten your desk.
- Look at your schedule for the next month and find a good time that you could see a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Make a quick call or email to see if they are available.
- Decide your meals for next week and make a grocery list.
- Organize your briefcase, purse, book bag, or gym bag.
- Grab a donation bag or box and look around the room or in a closet for a quick pick of some things you no longer use or love and pass them along.
- Waiting time can also be used to further your life goals. For example you can use commuting time to read a book or learn a new language (on audio for those who are driving). Research a topic of interest on the internet, start the plans for your next vacation or check schedules for a recreational activity you were only pondering.
The ten minute challenge is a great way to squeeze a little more activity into your busy schedule!
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