Do you believe that you can see the past and the future? Or do you believe you may have the ability to communicate with the wider spirit world?
Do you believe that you can see the past and the future? Or do you believe you may have the ability to communicate with the spirit world? Psychic powers are within you because they are within everyone. You may be aware of them in yourself or you may never have noticed them. Either way there are experiments that you can do to test to see whether you have them or not. The tests can show what sort of psychic abilities may be strongest within you. The energy of these powers is mysterious and hard to understand but it manifests itself in a number of recognized abilities. These include clairvoyance, remote viewing, telepathy and psychometrics.
Clairvoyance is the psychic ability of to use of the ’sixth’ sense. It is possible to see into the future and visualize things that may occur. This can be tested using a variety of experiments. Some can be very effective and demonstrate the level of ability that an individual currently has. One experiment is for a person to choose a number or a letter in their mind. It is important to relax and let the number or letter present itself to you. For the experiment to work you need to try and not be influenced by recent numbers you may have seen, or your favorite number etc. Once the number or letter has been decided upon someone will then randomly choose a number and to see if it matches the prediction. It is important that the random number is generated only after the subject has used their power to predict it.
Telepathy is another psychic power that experiments can be easily set up to test. Essentially with telepathy you are getting messages from the mind of another person. Telepathy can be tested in a simple way by trying to “see” an image that someone is thinking of and attempting to send to the receiver. It can be drawn on a card before the message is sent in order to test the success of the experiment and to make it more solid in the senders mind.
Psychic powers are much more subtle than these experiments may suggest. Failure at these experiments does not mean psychic abilities are not present or that they cannot be developed. In telepathy, for example, just because a person does not get the correct image or word does not mean they were not getting another message through. It can be very dependent on the person who is being read and their state of mind. Failure to see the image that was being looked for may mean that it was being masked by an unconscious image that the person had strongly in their mind. So experiments can be telling and helpful, but make sure you consider their context and results carefully.
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