Together women stand-divided-they are exploited-abused and killed
It is important to denounce superiority and chauvinistic ego among males and to boost up confidence of females. To decrease the crime against women in our country this is important.
Until women will take a stand against their exploitation,

it will continue to exists and crime rates will not come down. Education and gender main streaming are two very important steps in the process.
With increase in number of heinous crimes against women, condemnation of female education seems ludicrous to me. Every time some sexually abusive crime strikes the headlines I am reminded a quote by Dario Fo: we do not walk with our heads high out of pride but because we are buried into filth up-till our neck. Prevalent problem that is engulfing our society is deeper then it appears.
Crime against women cannot be dated back; it is so much a phenomenon now, that we have become immune to it. Like the existence, causes of criminal tendencies are also deep rooted. Social gender differences, in adequate education system, oppression of women at work places and home, honor killings, commoditization and lack of opportunity are some of the issues that make women in India vulnerable.
It is a shame for a country where women population is more than a small country's population; that women have no say in pivotal matters of their life. Girls are still not free to choose their life partners, they are still killed for dowry and pseudo honor of the family. It is a shame that under presidential leadership of a woman, Indian females are mere scapegoats killed for every second reason.
When criminals like Umesh reddy and Sambhu pratap singh rathore show no remorse over their disgusting deeds; I wonder what gives them audacity to face their conscience. The conclusion I drive after deep brooding, makes me guilty as a mother, as a sister, as a daughter and as a wife.
Yes! I am hinting at gender inequality, are not mothers responsible for the deed of their sons? Who gave man first idea of his being powerful? His mother! Simultaneously; who told her daughter to bear with thrashing of the males in the family? Her mother! So why does she complains about her daughter's protection?
Why elder sisters are made to behave like younger? Why daughters like Priyanjali (Ruchika's classmate and SPS Rathore's daughter) don't take a stand? Women act like primary building blocks of society, and ironically the very basic blocks appear shallow to me.
We, Hindus, still blame Kunti for ruining Panchali's life; I believe it was an inadvertent deed. What we are doing is intended. We may wash our hands like Pilate declaring ourselves innocent; but we cannot escape the truth.
As women we may not only condemn such practices and teach our male counterpart to respect women, but also promote gender main streaming.