Have you ever done something so extraordinary that not only the people around you have been awed, but even you cannot believe it?
Well guess what! You may have experienced something called visualization. Visualization,

before I introduce it, is not faith or believing deeply in something. This art is simply the mind at work in deep, unpenetratable concentration. A perfect example is the book Guinesses World Records. The people in there lift cars and what-nots without even flinching. How? They simply concentrate very deeply. The first experiance that I had was at a leadership meeting, where the instructor, Jordan, told us to grab a partner and perform this task. He simply calmed his voice and spoke to us about visualizing a glowing green light forming into our bodies. Then he proceeded to asking us to visualize pushing that light into our fingers. The partner was supposed to pull apart our thumb and index finger; in the shape of a ring. My partner could barely do it. Jordan then told us his story where a burly 150 pound rancher-girl couldn't pull apart his fingers. At that time he was around 5 feet (like he is now only a few inches taller) and only wieghed around 100-110. This girl STOOD UP and using both HANDS she tried to pull his fingers apart. Couldn't do it. Just couldn't. Amazing things like these can used in real life as well. For example a goal that you are trying to shoot for. First visualize the steps into succeeding in this goal, then continue to pursue it. Pursuit, dedication, visualization, and optimism, the harbingers to a successful life and career.