Secrets on how successful business people get the most out of the training seminars and conventions they attend. Now some may call this common sense, ...
Secrets on how successful business people get the most out of the training seminars and conventions they attend. Now some may call this common sense, we know how uncommon that is.
Smart successful business people regularly invest their time and money in training seminars and conferences. For those of us that do business on the Internet this is a key component for building successful businesses. People do business with those they know, like, and trust.
Sure it's wonderful for us to get out from behind your computer screens and meet successful people in our industry, but there is so much more.Here are some ideas to get the best bang for your buck.
1. Have a plan
2. Connect before the conference
3. First impression
4. Win/Win
5. Make introductions
Have a plan
We have a business plan, but do we have a conference plan? Check online, who's going to be there, who is presenting. Make a list of the people you need to see, the ones you need to hear. Then list ones you would like to hear and see. How about setting goal for number of new contacts you will make. Schedule your arrival and departure time to allow for delays and meetings after the conference.
Connect before the conferenceContact key people before the seminar. Set up a meeting with them. It can get very hectic at large conventions, so many people, so little time. If you can't set up a meeting at least they will know your name and that you plan to meet them at the conference. This will be a great help if they have a busy booth, or have a lot of people trying to get their ear.
First impressionAt very active conferences first impression are imperative. Smile, get your hand out there, introduce yourself, and then LISTEN. Effective listening is one of the most important aspects of creating a good first impression. People walk away from you having a good feeling, thinking you are great conversationalist. Most people really like to talk about themselves and appreciate when one listens.
Win/WinAs you are listening focus on where the win-win strategy fits in for you and the person you're connecting with. What's in it for them? Give, always give more. If you discover a possible win-win business situation point out the potential, make note of it, schedule a follow-up meeting. Very often the potential wasn't there but you may know somebody they can do business with. That brings us to...
Make introductions
Make a point of introducing business people to your associates when you figure that they can form a win-win business deal. Edify them if you can do so honestly. Business associates who knew me referred some of my most beneficial business contacts to me. I assure you that whenever I can I send business their way. Do this, expect nothing in return and I assure you will be remembered.
Follow-up (always over deliver)
We will meet many people; they will have met many people. Send thank you e-mail. Tell them how beneficial it was connecting with them, put in motion anything discussed. I did mention taking good notes right! If you didn't it may become a blur. And needless to say you did get their business card, with notes on the back.
I suggest if you follow these guidelines you will get great value out of any and all seminars or conventions you attend.