5 Tips To Use Search Keywords Of Internet Business Ideas In Headline And Among 100 First Words
Despite of the fact that SEO is important for the efficiency of your internet business ideas, the article must always be written to the reader. It is an art to include the search keywords into the copy in the natural way. ( You can bookmark this page, press Ctrl+D ).
The major
search keywords should be high on visible places in the headline and among the first 100 words to make it easier for the search engines` spiders to scan them. 1. Do The
Search Keywords Research For The
Internet Business Ideas With Care The internet is an information highway. People are searching things from search engines by using search keywords. The more specific or niche the search keywords are,
the more relevant are the search results. This is important for the internet business ideas web site and makes it look more special. An article needs from 2 to 3 relevant search keywords, which can be picked by WordTracker , the most respected tool online. 2.Do Not Slaughter The Innocent Copy. You sell the
internet business ideas to the web site visitor, not to the search engines. The most important job of the copy is that the reader gets the feeling that this is for me. So the search keywords must be included naturally and that requires that a writer has picked them before he has started to write. 3.Target The Long-Tail Search Keywords. The long-tail keywords are phrases, which are built with 3 – 4 words. With the long-tail
search keywords the article of the internet business ideas can be targeted to the very narrow and relevant target audience, actually to many, because one keyphrase will include several keywords or -phrases. According to the many researches, the long-tail search keywords will convert better and rank better in the search engines. 4.Add Some Useful Hyperlinks. The role of hyperlinks in the internet business ideas article is not to sell but to offer more information or, for instance, a practical tool related to the topic. 5.Distribute The Articles Widely And Measure The Results. The marketing of
internet business ideas is a numbers game and the wider is the distribution, the better are the results. The simple and affordable method is to use ArticleMarketer , which distributes articles to the widest distribution list online. It is very interesting and useful to measure the number of hits and visitors of each internet business ideas article. This happens by adding a small code from some of the free tracking services on each article.