You hear about them all the time. As soon as you mention “Internet business” people cringe. The thought of pyramid schemes and illegal programs come to mind. The word “scam” is usually associated with ANY type of Internet business. Even though these types of business do not have clout and fade out, these are what people fear when considering affiliate marketing. So how do you find a good one?
One they are easy to get into. Most of them all you have to do is click on the affiliate link and get your information and/or tools. Secondly they allow you to keep your regular job while you see how it works out for you. If it bombs, no biggy, because you still have a job and you can try another avenue. And lastly the majority of them require little or NO STARTUP fee's.
If you decide to join a program, you have to make sure that it is one that you are familiar with and know about. Its very difficult to sell something that you do not know about.
So what are the good ones? How can you tell? Here are a few tips that should check out before diving in:
Obvious one. Choose one that you know something about or are using. As mentioned above, its easier to sell things you know about so you'll be able to give the pro's and cons.
Look for something high standard. Something that you hear “experts” say is good. This will also help your reputation is selling something that is good.
Get programs that have a real product. Something that customers have had good success with. The best way to do this is to do a little research on the product. See if you can get ahold of customers that use it and verify that they are real, and that the do indeed enjoy the product being sold
find a product that is catering to a growing market (weight loss for example). This way your assured that you have possible clients. Jump into some forums and post questions about the product(s) that you want to sponsor. See what everyone is saying.
Make sure the program has residual income, AND at least 30% payout or more. Affiliate programs are difficult enough without no pay for your hard work.
Anything that has a quota to meet, I would suggest keeping away from. Unless they meet some of the requirement above and/or an excellent product.
Select one that has many tools and resources to help you get started (banners, graphics pre-made blogs etc..). Send a couple test emails to see if they repsond. This will tell you if you are dealing with a real person or a potential scam.
Check to see if the program has a proven system that you can check your network and compensation.. How often it is updated and where you can view it.
See if they offer incentives for renewiing your membership. Most program that do this and offer upgrades usually keep their members. This will help your network grow.
Finally, check the message boards and find the product(s) that you are interested in promoteing and see what kind of success people have had. Are they a scam? Do they pay out? Etc.
Make sure you know what kind of program your getting into to avoid any future problems you have.
World of Warcraft Gold Making Scams Revealed
Wouldn't be nice to be able to log on to see you have just THOUSANDS of gold in your bags. Knowing that you can buy virtually anything in the AH, keeping up with the latest equipment, while your friends drool. I would! I'm tired of watching all my buddy brag about the latest pair of blue swords for their rogue or worse, not being able to get my epic mount. God that sucks! I would much rather be out playing in Azeroth somewhere instead of glued to my screen with my mule, juggling the AH.Do Private Servers Hurt the Big MMO's
One would think that if a game is FREE. There really would be no reason to play on a private server, right? WRONG! Find out why many players,regardless if they are paying or not, still seek out the private server community.Do Private Servers Present a Threat to Larger MMO's?
Does Blizzard Entertainment have anything to fear when it comes to the private server community? According to the phenomenally accelerated speed at which they are growing (and rumored profits), it doesnt seem to be an issue.