Now Just Get Started Doing the Bum Marketing Methodology & the 4-Day Money Making Blueprint
The absolute key and bottom line to being successful at Bum Marketing is to get started. Since by now you have found great keywords; identified a unique niche market; established your online bank accounts; wrote online articles; created web sites, landing pages and lenses you’ve done all the steps in your quest for your online money making business. Now get started. A great program to motivate you can be found at the 4-Day Money Making Blueprint (4D-MMB).
The absolute key and bottom line to being successful at Bum Marketing is to get started. Since by now you have found great keywords; identified a unique niche market; established your online bank accounts; wrote online articles; created web sites,

landing pages and lenses you’ve done all the steps in your quest for your online money making business. Now get started. A great program to motivate you and put all the puzzle pieces together can be found at the 4-Day Money Making Blueprint (4D-MMB). The steps to learn Bum Marketing are; one, understanding it; two, finding a niche market; three, creating online bank accounts to receive and get your money; four, writing articles; five, creating web lenses, landing pages and sites; six, getting started. The final and most important step is the last and that is to get started. We’ve all heard the expression, “Do it”. Well, you are at that point and all the extra reading and studying will not get you to start. You can continue to study this business and read all you want at many sources of which I could name dozens here. But they will show you the steps, procedures, processes but can’t make you do anything without you doing it! Here are my recommendations to getting started :(1) Set aside time each day; this has to be a new found passion and it will be work at times. Don’t get discouraged and plug away, day-by-day and you will be successful. Just get out there and do it!(2) Go to Motivational Blog sites; there all over the web and you will learn from those that are successful, those that are beginners like you, those that are just interested in what this is all about. There are millions of people out there going through or have gone through exactly what you are doing at this very minute. Learn from them and do it!(3) DO NOT get discouraged; remind yourself that the greatest rewards in life come from the greatest challenges. No one said this was easy and that Bum, that started this as our fundamental allegory, couldn’t stay a Bum but needed to take that first step to change his life and do it! (4) If all else fails, pray for inspiration; we all have been taught that inspiration is obtained through various sources, the law of attraction, sincere prayer, our muse. Whatever it is that gets you to see the light, do it! (5) Make It Fun; don’t get overwhelmed by the many steps and all that you hear. The most successful people at this and everything in life that I have met are the happiest ones. They are always upbeat and always looking at how the cup is ½ full. They are successful because they found the inspiration to make them happy and do it! My last group of articles has been all about making online money using the Bum Marketing methodology. I have explained how to do all the puzzle pieces from identifying keywords and finding a niche market to creating web pages, web sites, landing pages and lenses. The key to all this, however, is to get started and do it! An inspirational site is The 4-Day Money Making Blueprint (4D-MMB) by David Bocock where he will teach you in video format exactly how to do this. If you want to learn how to make money internet the right way and build a successful “
Affiliate Marketing” business online go to 4-Day Money Making Blueprint. If you want to try other money making opportunities and “
how make money” techniques go to Quick Ways to Make Money.