PLR products are of great value to the savvy internet marketer. Those who have been in the internet marketing and affiliate marketing business for the long haul know that PLR, despite some nay-sayers, have a definite place and function in the online business world.
For those new to internet marketing, the mere ability to proclaim a PLR Product as their own and resell it on the internet has value as a learning tool and a potential income stream. The downfall for the “newbie” is that they fail to modify their PLR ebook source and just put the old one up for sale. This CAN work – if the PLR product is newer; but for really old PLR is just plain needs to be reworked.
This reworking doesn't always have to be extensive, however. Sometimes, all it takes is a revamped sales page, a new name, and a reorganized ebook content. As I have said before, parenting today requires the same mind set and resources as 5 years ago. Therefore, a parenting ebook written 5 years ago still contains a goldmine of information. Making the changes mentioned above will allow you to present a new and perfectly good and acceptable product for sale. No question about it.
The PLR that you want to use – to give away – to increase your own opt-in list should also be carefully looked over. Don't just slap any old “semi-related” PLR Ebook or report up for your potential email customers. Give it some thought. Put something of yourself into it. People are always looking for quality – EVEN when it's free. Why would you offer them anything else? Consider this. You want to grow your opt0in list so you offer an older PLR ebook as an incentive. It has a snazzy title and is closely related to the product or niche that you want to promote?
You will get people to opt-in. Perhaps a lot of people! But remember, they are opting in to get the PLR ebook that you're offering for free. If it's junk – if you didn't spend any time on it – will these potential customer remember that? You bet they will! What you've done is created negative trust. (“Hey, this guy told me to come here and grab this great report, and it's just plain junk! What's with that?”) Many of those subscribers that you worked so hard to get, will opt-OUT or just ignore your emails.
More than any other business, because there can be no face-to-face encounters, an internet business is based on trust. Once you've lost it – it's ten times harder to get it back. So deliver QUALITY.
If the PLR ebook has the information that you want to convey to your readers, but looks sloppy and disorganized, spend some time reworking it and the end result will be beneficial to both you AND your potential customers.
Infertility Solutions: Is There a Cure for You?
When a couple receives an infertility diagnosis, their immediate question is often, "Is there a cure for our infertility?" Unfortunately, the response from medical professionals can sometimes be vague and disheartening. However, there is hope. This article delves into the various infertility solutions available, including holistic approaches that many find effective.The Dance of Life and Infertility Cures
Life is ever-changing and ever adapting. Sometimes we all get bogged down in our day – to - day activities and forget to take time out for ourselves. It's widely known to be beneficial to take at least some time each day to work on personal growth and healing.Infertility Cures – Holistic Treatments You Should Know About
Infertility is defined as a couple who has tried to conceive for at least one full year without success. It's not until one full year has passed that most doctors will begin the extensive testing necessary to find the reason for your infertility and any possible infertility cures that may be applicable.