The rise of e-commerce has made affiliate marketing increasingly accessible, thanks to the evolution of online sales tracking methods and affiliate marketing support. It's no revelation that a significant portion of online purchases are for computers, printers, and accessories. However, there's a unique opportunity in assisting those who are new to the internet and are preparing to make their first computer purchase. This article will guide you through a simple three-step process to leverage this opportunity.
The first step is to join an affiliate program for computer equipment. There are numerous such programs available online. For instance, I use and highly recommend Dell computers, so I joined the Dell affiliate program through LinkShare.
The next step is to create a sales page on your website. If you don't have a website, you can sign up for a free site from one of the many free providers, such as Hypermart. This page doesn't need to hard sell your customer; it simply needs to provide the links through which the customer will click. Many affiliate programs, like Dell's, contain hidden codes that require your customer to click from a web page. You can check out my Dell sales page here for an example.
The final step is to get your customer to your sales page. This can be a challenge, especially if your customer is not yet on the web. If necessary, invite the person to your house and give them a hands-on demonstration of the product they're considering purchasing. Show them around the internet, let them navigate, and introduce them to your favorite sites. After a few minutes online, they'll likely be convinced of the need for a new computer.
Wrap up your presentation by taking them to your sales page. For a personal touch, name the page after your customer, such as "Mark.html". By now, they're likely hooked on the internet and considering a purchase. Let them make the purchase by clicking from your sales page.
While the Dell affiliate program pays a small commission, the real gain is the relationship you've built with the customer. You've guided them through the internet, shown them the features of your own computer, and established yourself as a valuable source of technical information.
The next time they want to make an online purchase, they'll likely come to you for advice. And most importantly, when they have questions about affiliate programs or starting their own online business, they'll turn to you. The lifetime value of this customer far outweighs the few dollars made on the original sale.
Keep an eye out for offline opportunities like this. When you discover someone with a specific need, create a specific page to provide the solutions. Your new customer will thank you with repeat business.