Why most affiliate marketing products dont work
If affiliate marketing was as easy as they say wouldn’t everyone be doing it. Affiliate Marketing is not easy because you have been lied to. Too many products do not explain the full process to make money from the internet.
We have all seen them,

these amazing affiliate products, programs and systems that advertise you can make huge amounts of cash from little or no work all in extra quick time. It all sounds great doesn't it. The reality is this, affiliate marketing is not easy, if it was everyone would being doing it. Affiliate Marketing is like any other business it requires work. That work however maybe be very different and often much easier than the work you are currently doing but it is not a overnight success story in a box.You might be completely new to field of affiliate marketing or you may have tried a few things before but never got the return that seemed possible at the outset. I’ll be straight with you, you have been lied to. Many of the affiliate marketing systems out there are missing vital elements. The 2 most common missed out parts are traffic and time. Without these your affiliate business will not succeed.TrafficI see countless products and even fallen victim to some of them myself that offer you a program or a guide to make money from the internet. They will show you how to build and host your website, how to get the affiliate products to sell, how to setup the electronic payment systems etc etc. The end result is you get a nice flashy website with nice affiliate products to sell, but you are missing one vital thing, Traffic. If you have no visitors to your website you are not going to make any money. Visitors don’t just find your website after it has been launched. “You are now setup and all you need to do is drive traffic to your site” seems to be a common statement with some of these affiliate marketing products. Thats great, just one question. HOW? Traffic is the hardest part of launching a new website. There are thousands of ways to get traffic some cost money, some are free, some take time, some are instant. But out of these thousands of different methods some reign supreme, although it does depend on the product you are selling. The best affiliate programs will show you how to get targeted traffic.TimeAs I mentioned earlier all business require you to invest time and affiliate marketing is no different. Too many of the affiliate marketing systems seem to neglect this, similar to the traffic problem. The upshot is this, you have to invest time to make money from affiliate marketing. The majority of time is not spent creating and setting up websites it is invested into producing content. This content can take many forms, I am investing my time writing this article. You can produce videos, MP3s, e-books, blogs the list goes on and on, but you have to invest your time to get traffic. This is where these two points link. You need to remember this, You have to invest time to get the traffic. You can have the best website in the world but if you have no traffic you wont make a dime.