A complete tale of Projector Headlights
Headlights are most likely the important part of the vehicle's illuminating system. Safe driving depends on the driver's ability to notice many things straightaway, particularly during the night hours or bad weather conditions.
Among several existing technologies of the headlight assembly in automobiles,

the one that is projector based is considered to be highly popular among the audiences. Although we have LED and HID based head lamps in the market which are extensively advanced as compared to projector, but these are quite costly that is why people prefer the projector based lighting. Those who are not aware of the headlights must first know about it. It is a light form present in all automobiles at the front side that enlightens the pathway and provides them with a clear road view. These lights inherently protect us from collisions as roads in the night time become a mystery to solve it we need some excellent light source.Among all available front light types, Projector Headlights is the one that is bit different from the others. There is a filament which is present at a focus of an ellipsoidal reflector and along with condenser lens, which is located at the front of the light. A shade is positioned at the plane of the image, between the lens and reflector, and the projection of this shade gives the low-beam cutoff. The form of the shade, and its precise arrangement in the optical structure, find out the sharpness and shape of the cutoff. The shade can be reduced by a solenoid triggered spin to offer low beam. Such optics is known as BiHalogen or BiXenon projectors.These special lights are the finest improvement to augment the visibility during driving in the hours of darkness. These are found similar to the factory products as they also generate high beam that provides you with clear visibility at the time of dark hours. These are designed to keep the light away from approaching traffic and hence avoiding night sightlessness from other vehicles. These projector lamps are also available in stylish angel eye for that has the potential to radically perk up the overall appearance of your vehicle with some high definition light.There are several advantages associated with the Projector Headlights, i.e. these consume very less battery power and hence facilitate an individual to extend the life of both the battery and these lights. The company that manufactures these lights give assurance of these projector lights being water proof, weather challenging and UV Rays protected. Moreover, these are safe from vibration, shocks and continuous sunlight. These lights are made according to the OEM guidelines which make them perfectly fit to your car brand and model.One will find Projector Head lamps in multiple forms like:1. Halo Projector2. CCFL Halo Projector3. Euro Projector4. LED Projector5. HID ProjectorAlthough all these lights work on the similar technology, but the difference lies in the bulbs that are present inside the projector lamps. Lamp and lens remain the same, but in place of halogen there might be HID and LED bulbs while in case of Halo there will a chain of small LED bulbs. All these features of projector lighting must have convinced about the benefits of getting this light on your vehicle.