Many people spend lots of time in their automobiles. If you're one those that basically live in your vehicle and, particularly those with children, you probably know how filthy your car could get. A clean car interior not only looks great, it is also better for your health and health of your passengers.
It takes approximately an hour to clean the entire interior thoroughly. Be cautious with water inside the car; if water gets into electrical components, it may cause problems. Likewise, don't soak the seats too much and don't let water to get under the carpet; it may cause corrosion, stains and damp mouldy smell. Always dry the interior well after you're done.
Dump things that shouldn’t be in the car into a small bin. Throw litter into a garbage bag. Spritz the cup holders with glass cleaner and let sit.
Using the wipes, clean the dashboard, center console, inside door pockets, steering wheel, and gearshift. Spray air-conditioner treatment into the air vents below the windshield and let sit.
Clean leather seats with a few wipes. (Seats that are upholstered will get vacuumed afterwards.)
Place a wipe around the end of a flat-head screwdriver, and run it over the buttons and switches on the dashboard. Wipe out the cup holders with paper towels.
Spray glass cleaner on paper towels and wipe each of the windows, including the windshield, sunroof, and rear window.
Take away the floor mats and whack them against each other to remove any dirt.
On the driveway, vacuum the floor mats using the bare hose of a hand vac for optimum power (do not attach a tool). Vacuum the seat upholstery and foot wells, shifting the front seats fully forward, then back, to hit every spot.
Replace the mats and return the seats to their original placements. Open all the doors and allow fresh air to blow through.
Car Safety Tips for Women Driving Alone
Women drivers are at risk when driving on their own, especially at night. Women who drive alone, no matter if it's at night or in the day, need to take a few extra precautions. If you drive alone on a regular basis, it's important that you follow these tips for keeping yourself safe.The Three Basic Methods of Car Pinstriping
Car pinstriping is one of the best ways to make your vehicle very unique. Pinstriping has been used commercially since the 1800s, and is a definitive style for the decoration of style. Pinstriping can be as plain or as fancy as your patience and level of skill allows.How Long Will Your Car Last?
The life of a car varies according to several factors, and increasing it is achievable, if proper care is practiced. Understanding the factors that affect its life is beneficial for people who are planning to get a car of their own. Proper knowledge of cars is like putting your money to good use. With that, below are some tips about car life expectancy.