National Communications and Navigation Equipment Quality Center

May 30


jodie mht

jodie mht

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Navigating the Road to Quality: The State of Car Navigation Systems

Car navigation systems are supposed to make our journeys smoother,National Communications and Navigation Equipment Quality Center Articles but a recent report reveals a troubling reality. Out of 18 models from 13 mainstream manufacturers tested across 19 districts, only five products from three manufacturers passed certification. This means less than 30% of the tested navigation systems met the required standards. Shockingly, 70% of the maps used in these systems are not genuine, leading to delays, detours, and repeated U-turn instructions. This article delves into the reasons behind these issues and the impact on consumers and the industry.

The Alarming State of Car Navigation Systems

A recent investigation by the Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of National Communications and Navigation Equipment has unveiled some startling statistics. Out of 18 models from 13 mainstream car navigation manufacturers tested across 19 districts, only five products from three manufacturers passed the certification test. This translates to a pass rate of less than 30% (CCTV, 2023).

The Root of the Problem: Outdated and Pirated Maps

The primary culprit behind these navigation failures is the use of outdated or pirated maps. According to industry insiders, 70% of the GPS maps in the market are not genuine (CCTV, 2023). This leads to inaccurate directions, causing delays, detours, and repeated U-turn instructions. The issue is so severe that experts suggest it might be better to rely on traditional methods of finding directions.

The High Standards of GPS Mapping

Creating accurate GPS maps is a complex and costly endeavor. According to the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, only enterprises with electronic map Class Mapping qualifications are authorized to produce GPS maps. Currently, only 11 manufacturers in the country hold these professional qualifications (State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, 2023).

The Cost of Accuracy

Maintaining accurate navigation maps requires significant investment. To keep maps updated, manufacturers need to invest nearly a billion yuan annually. This includes employing a road test team of at least 100 people to collect new road data and attributes in real-time (State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, 2023).

The Few Who Get It Right

Despite the challenges, some manufacturers have managed to meet the high standards. Companies like Hisense, United Si Zhuang, and Jia Ming Hang Power have passed the certification tests. Their success is attributed to substantial product development investments and a commitment to quality.

Case Study: UCO's Success

UCO's navigation products, such as the N550, stand out for their exceptional quality. These products use NavInfo's Class A state mapping qualification maps, featuring over 20,000 3D scene mapping data points and 550,000 security warning alarm points. UCO also offers free weekly updates, ensuring their maps remain accurate and reliable (NavInfo, 2023).

The Impact on Consumers and the Industry

The poor quality of many car navigation systems has significant implications. For consumers, it means wasted money and potential safety risks. For the industry, it undermines consumer trust and hampers the development of the car navigation sector.

Consumer Trust and Safety

The primary role of car navigation systems is to guide users accurately. When these systems fail, it not only leads to frustration but also poses safety risks. Inaccurate directions can lead to dangerous driving situations, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Industry Development

The prevalence of substandard navigation systems also stifles industry growth. Consumers are less likely to invest in navigation systems if they cannot trust their accuracy. This, in turn, affects the revenue and innovation potential of manufacturers.


The state of car navigation systems in the market is concerning. With only a small percentage of products meeting the required standards, consumers are left with unreliable and potentially unsafe navigation tools. The industry must address the issues of outdated and pirated maps and invest in maintaining accurate and up-to-date navigation data. Only then can consumers trust and rely on these systems for their journeys.


  • CCTV. (2023). Weekly Quality Report. Retrieved from CCTV
  • State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. (2023). Mapping Qualifications. Retrieved from State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
  • NavInfo. (2023). Navigation Map Data. Retrieved from NavInfo

Interesting Stats

  • Only 11 manufacturers in China are authorized to produce GPS maps (State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, 2023).
  • 70% of GPS maps in the market are not genuine (CCTV, 2023).
  • UCO's N550 navigation system features over 20,000 3D scene mapping data points and 550,000 security warning alarm points (NavInfo, 2023).