When it comes to car insurance, you would like to be adequately covered if you get in an accident, but you wouldn't like to pay a lot more than you have to. Should you have an accident, your car insurance policy will handle anything from damage to other vehicles and drivers to damage to yourself and your car.
Every insurance policy is different, some are cheaper than others and their prices change according to your personal circumstances such as age, gender and experience. This car insurance guide will help you find the policy to suit you.
Some types of car insurance coverage are optional, while other types are required by law. At the very least, you must buy the minimum amount of liability insurance that your state requires.
The Different Types of Car Insurance
Your car insurance policy is comprised of a handful of different categories of coverage. Here's a list of the most common types and what they mean.
Collision insurance covers damage to your car up to its current estimated value, also known as its Blue Book Value.
Liability insurance is the portion of your policy that pays for damages you've caused to others if you're found to be at fault in an accident. This covers a wide range of damages, including bodily injury and property damage.
Uninsured or underinsured insurance covers your losses if you're hit by someone with no insurance, or not enough insurance to cover the cost of damages.
Comprehensive insurance pays for damages that occur to your car that aren't collision-related. According to the Insurance Information Institute, this includes theft, vandalism, fire and natural disasters.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP for short) covers your medical expenses if you're injured and can sometimes even pay out for lost wages if your injuries prevent you from working.
Car Safety Tips for Women Driving Alone
Women drivers are at risk when driving on their own, especially at night. Women who drive alone, no matter if it's at night or in the day, need to take a few extra precautions. If you drive alone on a regular basis, it's important that you follow these tips for keeping yourself safe.The Three Basic Methods of Car Pinstriping
Car pinstriping is one of the best ways to make your vehicle very unique. Pinstriping has been used commercially since the 1800s, and is a definitive style for the decoration of style. Pinstriping can be as plain or as fancy as your patience and level of skill allows.How Long Will Your Car Last?
The life of a car varies according to several factors, and increasing it is achievable, if proper care is practiced. Understanding the factors that affect its life is beneficial for people who are planning to get a car of their own. Proper knowledge of cars is like putting your money to good use. With that, below are some tips about car life expectancy.