You don't have to work long hours to have a successful business.
One of the best things I've learned in my years of business is that success is easier than we think. When most people think of success, they think of hard work, long hours, and sacrifice. Ick! The good news is... It is not our job to work hard to make things happen. All we need to do is get clear on our vision, and then get out of our own way.
Here are a few fun, proven ways to "get out of your own way" and start bringing your dreams closer to you. As you read them, you may catch yourself thinking, "How could something so fun and enjoyable and easy possibly bring more success to me?" But when you realize that life is supposed to be joyful and that you are meant to profit from your passions, you can relax and trust the universe, and simply allow your success.
1. Start your morning with a 5-minute visualization
A brief daily routine of visualizing your dreams will actually recondition your mind, allowing your goals to seep into your subconscious. Evoke the image of your dream business and ideal lifestyle as vividly and descriptively as you can.
2. Get a pedicure or massage
Treating yourself well sends a message to the Universe that you deserve to be treated well.
3. Keep a gratitude journal
It has been said that if you continuously look for things to appreciate, you will live happily ever after. And I can attest to the fact that keeping a gratitude journal - writing down 5 things each day that you are grateful for - will bring you more things to be grateful for.
4. Tell a different story about money
If you catch yourself saying or thinking anything like, "I can't afford that," or "My business isn't making me money," consciously change your story. Instead, think and say things like, "I can't wait to buy that item," and "I'm so excited about the potential I have in my business." Life responds to your messages, so be conscious of what you put out there!
5. Go for a walk
...or a bike ride, or a long drive. Any action that quiets your mind and allows it to wander can bring about inspiration. Have you ever noticed that you get great ideas for business or answers to challenges while in the shower or on the treadmill? Take some time to be alone, and let your mind be free.
Ultimately, success is about enjoying your life to the fullest. These ideas will help add joy to your day - almost instantly. Try one today!
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