Plastic containers are some of the most popular display and storage tools for businesses, and for good reasons: they’re durable, lightweight, convenie...
Plastic containers are some of the most popular display and storage tools for businesses,

and for good reasons: they’re durable, lightweight, convenient, and versatile. You can find them in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles, and they’re even great for behind-the-scenes uses once you’re finished with them on your floor.
Chances are, if you’re not already using small plastic containers in your business, it’s not because you don’t want to – it’s because you’re not exactly clear on how these containers can work for your business. Below are five examples for using plastic containers in all kinds of businesses – check them out for ideas!
1. Use Small Plastic Containers to Display Food Items
Because there are so many different kinds of these containers available, you can use them to display and store a wide variety of food items. Everything from candies like gumballs and lollipops to baked goods and trail mix.
Keep in mind that if you plan to store and display food that isn’t already protected by some sort of wrapper, you’ll need to consider plastic containers with accessories like lids to help keep your food fresh and safe from the elements. You can find containers that have lids designed to screw or snap on, and you can even find containers with handles and handgrips and purchase plastic or aluminum scoops that help your customers pour or scoop the food item without having to touch any of it.
2. Use Small Plastic Containers to Offer Complimentary Items
Depending on what kind of business you manage, you can use these small containers to offer a wide variety of complimentary items. Everything from a restaurant’s toothpicks and breath mints (as well as extras like packets of condiments, sugar, spices, and artificial sweetener) to a hotel’s free packets of shampoo and conditioner can conveniently fit in these containers.
3. Use Small Plastic Containers to Collect Tips
Because of their size, these containers are excellent tools for collecting tips from your customers! If you manage an establishment that provides any kind of dining area, you can situate these containers on the individual tables to collect tips from your patrons. The same is true for a bar’s countertop area as well as the business’s checkout counter.
4. Use Small Plastic Containers to Hold Raffles
Many different kinds of businesses hold raffles or drawings for prizes to show customer appreciation. You can use these containers to collect your customers’ raffle tickets, business cards, or any other card or paper designed to hold the customers’ names and contact information.
5. Use Small Plastic Containers for Storage
Just because these containers are usually used for display purposes doesn’t mean you can’t use them for behind-the-scenes storage, as well. Also, just because they’re small doesn’t mean they’re not the ideal size for some of your smaller items!
You can use these plastic containers in your business’s storage or stock room, under countertops, or even in your manager’s office to store items like small office supplies (think paperclips and staples) as well as tools like prices tags and discount, sale, and clearance stickers.