A Must Read Guide to Cork Tiles Installation

Apr 12


vikram kumar

vikram kumar

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Cork floors have actually become common nowadays. This is because of the many advantages which accompany them. They are durable and sound proof among other benefits which come with cork floors. If you have found out that cork floor is the perfect floor for your home


To install cork flooring tiles is not a hard work. This is because you can even do this work by yourself as long as you follow some simple steps.

So if you have finally decided cork floors are the perfect to your home,A Must Read Guide to Cork Tiles Installation Articles you can always follow these steps. One most thing you will need to understand is that, to install cork flooring tiles is much harder than you installing cork floating tiles. They both have some different methods which you use but cork tiles tend to have a much harder work. The best thing is the steps are very simple to adapt to.

The first step which you need to understand is that you should make sure the sub floor you are to use is right. The sub floor to use should be able to accept the cork flooring tiles which is to be installed. Make sure also you scrape any old glue and make sure it’s dry and clean. Once it’s clean make sure that the sub-floor is at level. If it is not level sand down any high areas which are visible and you can use fillers for the low areas. The other step is for you to apply primer on the sub-floor after it is clean, leveled and dry. The primer is used to allow the adhesive to apply easily and give the floor a bong which is strong. For this process you can use a paint roller.

The third step when you want to install cork flooring tiles is for you to start laying the cork floors. With cork tiles, you can always use the standard tile type of laying pattern. The only trick with the cork tile installation is actually using right the amount of adhesive and following the instructions on how to use it. This is because different adhesive require different minutes to settle before you can start installing. Also cork floors manufacturers may specify for you to use some particular adhesives.

The other step is for you to use a drum roller and then go over the freshly laid floor from various directions. After this step you will need a maximum of 48 hours before you can lay in your furniture on the cork floor tiles. The fifth step usually depend on your as the cork tile installer and the manufacturer. It’s always a good idea if you can put a sealant coat. This can be good in prolonging your cork tile life. But if you can properly maintain it and where the tile is there is no much traffic it can actually go without this coat and last for long. These are some of the steps which you can always use to install cork flooring tiles in your homes.