Those days are long gone, when working was all about sitting at a desk and completing your routine for the day. Companies have recognised the need of bonding with employees and building a community experience of sorts. This has been felt in the world of network marketing too.
QNET is a prominent multilevel marketing company that has amalgamated work and recreation. Browse through their social media pages, and you will understand the manner in which they make an effort to bond with their team. Independent Representatives of this network marketing company are a satisfied lot. This network marketing company appreciates their efforts in different ways and continues to motivate them.
Most companies are associated with one cause. This has been observed in the arena of multilevel marketing too. QNET has always been identified with sports. They have successfully created ripples and continue to do so in various ways. Recently, this network marketing company organised a Barbeque at the Hong Kong Football Club. It was a great opportunity for all the Independent Representatives to indulge in some interaction. Significant opinions were exchanged and fascinating subjects were discussed. It was a perfect way to unwind and connect with fellow team mates.
The Barbeque was certainly a treat to everybody’s taste buds. The flavours were delicious. Everybody was excited to be a spectator to the interesting match between New edge Club and Standard Life SCAA. The match was sponsored by QNET and the squeals of excitement on Newedge Club’s victory were a testimony to the success of the event. This network marketing company has set a trend, when it comes to connecting with their team mates. Instances like these have increased the appeal of this multilevel marketing company. Organising such events highlights the fact that this network marketing organisation emphasises on recreation too.
This network marketing company is known for their contributions to the sports world. They have truly left a mark. The commendable fact about this multilevel marketing company is that they have not restricted themselves to a single sport. I came across their blog page and I read a heart warming post on their efforts to include Squash in the 2020 Olympics. Famous Squash player Nicole David is also a part of this initiative. She strongly supports this cause and this was made clear when she said, “I’d gladly give up my 6 world titles for one Olympic Gold.” To include this sport in Olympics, this network marketing company was a significant part of the finals of the Hong Kong Squash Open, where the decision was taken by the members of the Olympic Committee. This network marketing company has also tied up with the Marussia F1 team. F1 is a popular sport and enjoys a viewership of 520 million in a season. This is a first for any network marketing company. It is a commendable achievement. The executives of this MLM Company must be all smiles! After reading about such feats, I am sure all the doubts about this multilevel marketing company’s legitimacy have faded into oblivion.
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