Do you enjoy drinking red fruit liqueurs? If so, have you ever wondered whether or not they are high in antioxidants? Antioxidants are very important for the body because they help prevent cell damage. Red fruit liqueurs such as strawberry liqueur, contain a lot of antioxidants, which is great news for your health. Let's take a look at what antioxidants are and why they are important.
Antioxidants in effect are substances that inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction with oxygen resulting in one or more free radicals, which are very reactive atoms and groupings of atoms that will steal an electron from another molecule to become stable. When this happens, it can damage cells within our body because healthy cells have many defenses against oxidizing agents but once they start to be overwhelmed by too much oxidative stress, then these cells begin to break down and cause problems for us such as inflammation.
Red fruit liqueurs such as strawberry or raspberry liqueur, contain antioxidants like anthocyanins (which give them their color), ellagic acid (found naturally in walnuts), catechins (from green tea), proanthocyanidin complex (a plant flavonoid found mostly in ingredients such as grape seed extract and pine bark), quercetin (found in red grapes, onions, apples etc) and cyanidins. These antioxidants are beneficial for the body because it helps protect us from cell damaging free radicals that can cause inflammation which has been linked to many diseases such as arthritis or even cancer. Besides protecting our cells from damage, these antioxidants have also been shown to help lower bad cholesterol levels while raising good ones and they may play a role in preventing type-II diabetes by helping insulin do its job of removing sugar from blood more effectively.
So besides tasting great, drinking liqueurs with high amounts of antioxidant will keep you healthy too!
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