Bed bugs can infest many places – hotel rooms, summer camps, cabins, and parks. Most of the time, they find their ways to urban homes right after a visit to these places. Here is infromation about these tiny noisance what do they look like and more.
Bed bugs can infest many places – hotel rooms, summer camps, cabins, and parks. Most of the time, they find their ways to urban homes right after a visit to these places. These pests are attracted to body warmth, which is why they stay on the body and bite it during sleep. They feed on blood and cause bed bugs rash in their wake.
What Does a Bed Bug Rash Look Like?
When bed bugs bite, their rashes can be very itchy. While the actual rash is not dangerous, it can be very irritating and can cause persistent itching. These rashes are often mistaken for bites from other household insects like lice, fleas, and mosquitoes or allergic reactions from different substances or food.
The most common sign for rashes is the raised bumps on the skin. The bumps are reddish in color and form a row or clustered pattern. This is because bugs like to feed in one similar location rather than jumping from one place to another like fleas.
The next thing to look out for with bed bug bites is when they occur. Bugs usually bite the skin at night, and if there is an infestation in your house, your rashes will most likely increase as the days go by. The bites will usually be located in common areas like the arms, legs, face, neck and other exposed areas.
The rashes will usually appear within several hours after a bit. In some cases, it may take days for the rash to appear. The appearance, size, and duration of your rash will depend on your body’s reaction to the bites. Some people may only see tiny red spots while others may experience huge red marks. They can also last for hours or days depending on your body’s reaction.
Treating Bed Bug Rashes At Home
Bed bug bites are not necessarily unsafe. However, they can be very uncomfortable. You can take oral antihistamines to stop the swelling and allergic reaction. Here are some common compounds or ingredients in topical creams and lotions that can help with the pain; tenderness and itching that come along with bed bugs rash:
- Topical steroid (e.g. hydrocortisone)
- Pramoxine and diphenhydramine
- Benzyl Alcohol
- Calamine Lotion
- Alka Seltzer
- Prednisone
There are also vocal medications that you can take such as:
- Oral antihistamines (e.g. Benadryl, Claritin)
- Oral antibiotics, especially for severe rashes coupled with a bacterial infection
In very severe cases of bed bugs rash, your doctor may administer epinephrine shots to prevent anaphylactic shock, a very life-threatening allergic reaction that causes breathing difficulties and choking.
Most cases of bed bug rashes can be treated at home with over the counter applications. However, severe itching or an allergic reaction will definitely need medical attention right away.
It is good to treat your bed bugs rash right during its onset. Upon treatment, the itch and discomfort should go away within a day or two, and the redness should follow right after. Try your best not to scratch them as well, since scratching will only make them itchier. This can worsen your condition and can even cause unnecessary skin infections.
To control bed bugs in your home, call a Brisbane Pest Control company.
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