This fine, extraordinary knife is fabricated from CPM S30V premium solid billet of high grade stainless steel.
To say it bluntly, this knife is beautiful. It does feature a very strong and sturdy construction of the tang, and has an ample 4.4 inch cutting edge length. This blade is a drop point high ground blade of exceptional quality. The item has a double beveled edge to it and is a plenty sharp cutting and chopping tool. With G-10 molded handle scales for the grip, these scales are fixed into position by pure titanium flared tubing. This of course assists the handle in being gripped against the tang offering prevention of separating when lateral force is applied.
Said tubes also offer a great lasing points location when converting the knife into a jungle machete, a spear. or a handy pole that might assist you in recovering some food hanging upon a nearby tree. One negative of this knife, was that the first half thousand were manufactured without having sharpened the spine. This was a mistake as it rendered the knife impossible to use as a fire steel striking blade. Many enthusiasts and members of the knife community were outraged by this, and condemned this Bushcrafter as being a blade that was unworthy of it’s name. Hence the birth of the new and improved model.
The customer service rule was, if any of the original half thousand or so customers wished to have the sharpened spine, Benchmade offered a re profiling of the item if the customer simply sent the item back. These are some of the hard, but meaningful lessons learned by all of us in business, and in the world of survival knives. Benchmade did this honorable thing, they then kept their promise, and took care of all customer complaints in a fair and timely manner. A true example of an honest company making a mistake, and then making it good for the consumer.
Regarding the Bushcrafter’s ability to take a pounding,and keep on working, it has really be constructed for heavy use out in the bush. The original goal in mind was to make sure that the knife could both retain it’s edge and sharpness, and yet be very, very tough at the same time, and of course resist chipping. This survival knife is a heavy duty tool constructed to get the job done as well as make a contribution to it’s owner’s survival in an emergency situation.
For those of you who crave the great outdoors, for those of you who care about keeping it all alive when in troubling conditions, for those of you who know that we are all human, and make mistakes, this tool is for you. Yes Benchmade made a mistake with this knife at the beginning, but they proved they are as good as their name implies, and all customers were properly cared for. Eventual perfection, is still perfection. It just hurts a little bit more.
Buy the knife. Look it up online and buy the knife. You will love it.
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