Best Box Sets - Hours of Great TV
Even with the invention of any time TV, catch up players via the Internet and web streaming, it can be hard to keep up with your favourite series'. For those that just love television and the enamouring viewing that some of the best shows produce, there is no greater gift than a box set of the particular show in question. So, here are our pick of the best box sets available on Zavvi for Christmas 2011.
The SopranosThough it is getting on a bit - over a decade since the first one - The Sopranos is a classic. This Italian mob family of gangsters and characters is gripping television and is probably one of the best shows to come from American= in years. The six series box set will be adored by those who receive it. Toni's complex character,

the psychological struggles and the violent power struggles all make for great TV and make the Sopranos one of the best box sets ever released. Get it for a lower cost with a promo code. 24This is the epitome of must watch TV and anyone who watches the wire will find themselves up late at night, gripped by each sitting. The story of Jack Bauer and the trials and tribulations he gets into make for more great TV and though you may not see the person you buy the series for, or no one will see you if you buy it yourself for a few weeks - it is certainly worth it and excellent value with a voucher code from Zavvi.InbetweenersA more recent one here and a series that is set a lot closer to home. The Inbetweeners has the ability for shock and empathy as the four main school characters try and live out their school lives, taking wrong turns down every avenue. The gross humour of the show and the fact many of us can relate to it make it extremely popular. Lovers of the show will be familiar with the school boy humour many of us never grow out of and the strange days of the latter teens.Series 1-3 are all available at Zavvi together and make for perfect Christmas watching for those that love the show. Why not add the Inbetweener's Movie to the mix to really create a stir of perfectly bad taste? Get it with a discount code at Zavvi.Band of BrothersThis amazing war time series, created by Stephen Spielberg is one of the great series of our time. Set in Europe, a band of soldiers from the USA are set to liberate Europe and endure all the issues that go with it. The brilliantly shot view of the Second World War and the amazing acting that takes place in this series make it the perfect gift for fans or military history lovers alike. LostThe complex story of a band of folk stranded on an island gripped us for years. However, in the long time span many of us forgot the clues and only the most avid viewers were able to piece the mysterious story together. Get all the series' and sit down and watch this brilliant show one-by-one and enjoy the complexity and brilliance of this amazing story. FriendsIt was a sad day when Channel 4 stopped showing Friends. We were all used to coming home and watching an episode with the familiar character's who frequented the Central Perk in New York and laughing at the antics. This box set will bring back memories and every single one of the series' and every last episode is included in the box set. This will pass hours upon hours of time and the brilliant, timeless Friends series is an essentialWest WingFor those interested in the running of the states, but wish to add a little more pazazz to it, the West Wing is excellent. Martin Sheen offers a very realistic portrayal of the most powerful man on earth and how he acts. This box set takes some concentration, though is an excellent insight between the walls of power and is great value with a promo code.