Businesses are a great tool for businesses everywhere, but free business directories are doing more harm than good. See how you can help your business out by listing in new directories.
Businesses are constantly looking for a way to increase their exposure across the country. Listing a business in either an online or print media directory is a great way to increase exposure, as well as revenue and reputation for businesses. Many online business directories have surfaced over the past few years that allow business to list their information for free. While this has become quite popular among many small businesses it also creates a number of problems for consumers and potential clients.
Quality – Traditional business directories that require a listing fee help weed out low quality businesses. Quality businesses are willing to spend money on a quality business listing. . The use of a free directory does not allow consumers to have a reliable look at a business they may associate with.
Reviews - Paid business directories allow clients to rate, review and recommend businesses they have used. This creates a system that allows people to know who they are going into business with before they actually do. Most free business directories do not have this asset. It is also not fair to quality businesses with satisfied customers to be placed behind businesses with poor reviews, which can easily happen with free business directories.
Exposure - Businesses can submit a free listing and see just as much exposure as some of the top businesses in the industry. Mixing quality businesses with those that are sub par is a major problem for consumers looking for the best services to use.
It’s clear that free business directories not only create problems for consumers and customers, but also create an unfair playing field for quality businesses with quality records. It is up to consumers and businesses to use business directories that offer a review system where customers can rate their experience with particular businesses.
This new community business directory is based solely on customer’s reviews. They are also “invite only” where businesses can only be listed through the referral of a satisfied customer. These new business directories are becoming very popular and create a great opportunity for consumers to find quality businesses without having to sort through the junk found in free business directories.
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