Many churches depend on the donations of church-goers, and fund raising events to help pay for things.
Many churches depend on the donations of members, and fund raising events to help pay for things. If you and your fellow church members are looking for ways to raise a bit of money, there are lots of great fund raising events for your church!
One of the best and most popular fund raising events is to hold a 50/50 raffle. You can purchase an inexpensive roll of tickets from a local party supply store and sell tickets for one dollar or less each. Many people enjoy the excitement that comes with the possibility of winning a large amount!
You could also hold a bake sale to raise money. Ask the church members to donate yummy baked goods that will be sold to others. Some goods can be sold by the piece, such as cookies and brownies. Other items will be more profitable being sold whole, such as pies and cakes. By having the goods donated, all the money received will be profit, which is a good thing!
When the weather is nice out, a car wash is another great fun raising event! The cost is low, because you will only have to pay for sponges, water, and soap. Simply ask for volunteers to wash cars in the church parking lot on a nice hot sunny day. Before you know it, the cars will be lined up!
There are many different events that you can hold. Use your creativity to plan something fun and profitable. These three fund raising events for church are a great place to start!
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