Cold Weather Dollar Merchandise to Carry
Those who operate a dollar store know when cold weather hits they will need to display plenty of new items on the shelves. Here is a look at some of the most important cold weather products to carry in your dollar store business.
Those who operate a dollar store know when cold weather hits they will need to display plenty of new items on the shelves. They want to accommodate customers' needs during this time. Here is a look at some of the most important cold weather products to carry in your dollar store business.
Depending on where you live,

you may experience frequent precipitation during cold weather. Customers want to stay dry in addition to being warm. Items like hats and rain parkas will definitely help achieve that goal. Thermal socks and hand warmers will also be useful items for you to prominently display.
Typically, we do not spend a lot of time outside during cold weather. People will be burning their wood stoves and fireplaces inside in order to keep warm. You can accommodate their needs by selling matches, lighter fluid, lighters, and other related items.
People will also want to have something to do other than watching TV or browsing the internet while they are spending time inside. Decks of cards and card games will help them occupy their time. A few good complements for decks of cards include dice and poker chips.
Make sure you take smaller kids into account when thinking about cold weather dollar merchandise to carry. They may enjoy arts and crafts projects, so items like glue, construction paper, and child-safe scissors should be on your list. Other possibilities include stickers and small toys.
All of the winter products you carry do not exactly need to be dollar merchandise. Toss a few closeout items you got a deal on into the mix to vary up your inventory a little bit. Space heaters are a good option for people looking to conserve money by using their central heating system less.
It is also important to have blankets during cold weather. People will not only use them around their home, but it would be a good idea to put a couple of blankets in their car as well; just in case of an emergency.
Speaking of cars – many people with older car batteries oftenhave problems starting their cars during cold weather. You should consider stocking your shelves with jumper cables for those emergencies. Customers will definitely appreciate having them around if their car will not start on a cold day.
Many of the dollar merchandise items you sell will vary by the season. You will need many different products to prepare your customers for upcoming cold weather. Keep your shelves stocked with blankets, thermal socks, and entertainment items. Try to mix in a few closeout items too.