Network marketing has seen the rise and decline of many companies. But, one of them has survived it all. Its resilience has been witnessed by the world. ‘Veteran’ would be the word I would use to describe QuestNet.
The company has been doing exceptional work since its inception in 1998. It has catered to the needs of people all across the globe with their impressive range of products. They have given people an opportunity to try out a recession proof business plan. It is an opportunity to awaken the entrepreneur within them. The company has offices in nearly thirty countries! Wow! This is quite a number. In Singapore, the company’s participation in two major events cemented its position in the network marketing industry.
This multilevel marketing company played an important role in the 35th anniversary celebratory dinner of Direct Selling Association of Singapore. The company has been given accreditation by this association. Director for Corporate Affairs of the entire group, Mr. Zaheer Merchant is the association’s Honorary Treasurer. QuestNet’s team was entrusted with the task of compiling a commemorative anniversary book. It outlined the work of the association and their journey till this precious moment. The event highlighted the transformation the direct selling industry has undergone. Its contribution to the thriving economy of Singapore was also brought to the fore. Contribution to such auspicious events adds to the credibility and authenticity of this network marketing company’s work. It further proves the inaccuracy of articles revolving around QuestNet complaint.
Appreciation of Mr Benjamin Tan’s efforts to revolutionize the industry and the network marketing company was the highlight. He served as the Ex-Chairman of the Direct Selling Association of Singapore. He contributed tremendously as a founding member too. Apart from these roles, he was a consultant to the company’s office in Singapore. His valuable advice has helped the network marketing company in its journey towards success. He has witnessed different changes in the MLM industry for a commendable period of 20 years. The company was involved in the 40th anniversary gala dinner of the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE). QuestNet was one of the three major sponsors. The logo of the company was shining on the backdrop of the stage and various other places around the venue. The company has made noteworthy contributions to the progress of network marketing. Detractors must check their facts before circulating articles like QuestNet complaint.
Reading about such events and affairs brings out the company’s never ending efforts to leave a strong impact on the society. It is one of the network marketing companies that have held a rock steady presence of 14 years. It continues to thrill people with their fascinating products and unique services. The team should definitely give themselves a pat on their shoulders for their ground-breaking work. Their undying commitment to their ideals and philosophies is admirable. The company’s presence in such events strengthens its legitimacy. It is truly a “consumer-centric organization.”
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