Credit Collectors
Dining room attendants are called busboys or bussers. They normally work in restaurants, cafeterias, and hotel dining rooms. They not only clear chairs, serve dishes, they also keeps a track of each visitor.
Credit Collectors are the one who collect bills from the person who have failed to pay their dues on proper time. Normally Credit Collectors persons work for Bank,

Institutions Providing Loans to people. People take loans from Bank and Private Institutes but many people fail to pay on time. So to recover bills from these persons Bank and Private Institutions have some persons working as Credit Collectors.Credit collectors are given a full file of persons who have not given payment on time. They collect their details and go to take money from them. On-Payment from customers depends on many reasons. Some of them are Customers not satisfied with service provided to them. In this case Credit Collectors refer them to the original seller. First Credit Collectors try to talk on phone with the Bad Debt person but when Talking on phone fails they have to visit their home. Credit Collectors try to talk in a fair manner and tell them to pay their dues as soon as possible. Many persons are unable to pay the debt as they are passing from financial problem, so credit collectors offer them new time schedule to pay their debt. Credit Collectors normally work for collection companies, real estate market, retail stores etc.To work and get job as a credit collector, a person should be having Higher Education or Graduate and must be having ability to do this work. Credit Collectors normally work more in evening as debtors are unavailable during working hours. They are paid with a handsome salary in between $15,000 to $27,000 per month as they really do a lot of hard work to recover non-payment from customers.Credit Collectors must be having their own vehicle and companies for which they work. The companies for whom they work will pay their cost of fuel. Credit Collectors must be good in speaking English and Local language as he has to do a long talk with customers on phone. Credit collectors should know how to deal with people passing from stress. Credit collectors are not allowed to fight with the bad debt persons but in some cases this happens. So it can be told, Credit Collectors Life is of Struggle and Risk. Credit Collectors are given a perfect amount to collect from the person who has not given dues. The bad debt person is charged some interest whenever they fail to pay bills on time. Normally Credit Collectors have to sit in office and have to call the customers. But when they do not get proper response on phone they have to visit the customers home in order to take the payment from them.