This year iDate in Beverly Hills was devoted to mobile dating and related technologies. There were a lot of insights on the direction of online dating industry. Great networking & parties, with delicious food made iDate event very delightful.
On 22-23 of June, 2012 I have attended iDate conference in Beverly Hills. Dating Pro CMS was one of the event sponsors - Dating Industry Sponsor.
This year the conference gathered more than 200 professionals in online dating industry. There were a lot of new faces and some of them were new customers of our Dating Pro software. This year iDate was devoted to mobile dating and related technologies. There were a lot of lectures worth going: about building mobile apps for dating, SEO tools, mobile marketing.
Bing and Google representatives spoke about search engine tools for mobile dating sites, Brian Bowman from reviewed mobile dating future, Mark Brooks provided a review on the state of mobile dating with video interviews of main service providers. An exciting topic of monetizing couples was covered by Dwipal Desai, the owner of “The icebreak”. There were a lot of insights on the direction of online dating industry: we need to help site owners to retain users longer at a dating site, offer more additional services and monetization tools on the web and mobile apps. Therefore we need to offer some social dating options for couples and singles.
And, as usual, great networking meetups and parties, as well as delicious food made iDate event very delightful. I met some new customers of Dating Pro. It was a pleasure to see each other and hear suggestions and feedbacks. We also reconnected with our partners: payment systems and service providers. We saw a lot of interest in our dating CMS, made some demos and private meetings.
All badges at the conference had DatingPro inserts and it was easy to communicate with everyone. No explanation of our business was needed. On June 22 there was a great party in Beverly Hills. A lot of fun and networking opportunities.
After all was over I had some solutions on mobile dating in place, a bunch of valuable contacts and great 2 days in Beverly Hills! I was also tired of networking with people and took a day off to understand and research everything I have learned to be able to apply it for Dating Pro software, its mobile module and general software development. Very soon those decisions will be live on Dating Pro CMS. Feel free to follow us and send us your feedback. If you are planning to go to next iDate conference in Germany, let me know and we can meet.
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