Display Rental Basics For Small Businesses
Many small businesses and new business owners are unaware of the major benefits that appearances at trade shows and industry-specific conventions have to offer, or that a display rental service can make the challenge of putting together an exhibit much easier. Please read on to learn more.
Many small businesses and new business owners are unaware of the major benefits that appearances at trade shows and industry-specific conventions have to offer,

or that a display rental service can make the challenge of putting together an exhibit much easier. If you think this marketing tool may be for you, here are a few basics you should know.
The benefits of appearing at trade shows and conventions are numerous, and can help a struggling company both add loyal customers to their base, and improve the bottom line. A number of small businesses in the United States do a large portion of their business through exhibiting at these large sales-oriented events, but for many, the expense associated with putting together an attractive and eye-catching display is too prohibitive to make attending these events a viable option. One possible solution for small business owners that could use the type of boost given by a trade show exhibition--- without the up-front investment--- is to work with a display rental service.
Renting has distinct advantages over purchasing, particularly for small business owners that may be attending their first event, and need to experiment with a few different styles of exhibit before determining what is most successful. In addition to being less expensive, about one-fourth to one-fifth of the cost of buying a display outright, a rental offers the flexibility an inexperienced exhibitor might need. In some cases, all the business owner needs to do is create different custom banners to give the display a completely different look using the same setup. Many find this versatility to be of great advantage.
In particular, companies who have budgetary restrictions that only allow for exhibiting once or twice a year are likely to benefit from renting the necessary equipment to put together an impressive display. At the same time, the company will only need to pay to have custom-printed graphics or merchandise produced, making it appear as if much more time and money has gone into the exhibit. This allows a business the opportunity to maximize their marketing potential, and, as a result, many can then afford to expand their budget to include more than one trade show.
Not every display rental service is the same, so it is important to shop around and take note of the rental company’s reputation for professionalism, prices, selection, and the level of support they offer once the display is in your hands. Especially for companies that are new to the world of trade shows, some type of support is absolutely essential, as one thing or another is almost guaranteed to go wrong at some point in the process. With support and experience, it is easy to come up with creative solutions for minor problems, but those new to exhibiting can certainly find these glitches overwhelming and much more limiting than they need to be. Choosing a display rental service that is not just interested in making a sale, but also in seeing customers succeed, can play a large role in a company’s success.