Do You Have A Vision For Your Business?

Jan 13


Liz Dennery Sanders

Liz Dennery Sanders

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The start of a new year is when many feel inclined to write out their resolutions. I’m a big proponent of writing and reviewing goals every few months, but I have found that having a powerful business vision is what propels me forward and serves as a constant reminder of what I want my business to be. I have also found that true success and personal fulfillment come from living and working in harmony with my purpose in life.


Spend some time before the end of the month thinking about where you want your business to be in a year. Write your business plan as a simple,Do You Have A Vision For Your Business? Articles clear visualization. It should be in the present tense, as if it has already happened. The more descriptive the better. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where do you want your business to be exactly one year from today?
  • How do you want to feel one year from today?
  • What have you accomplished?
  • What are the most important goals you have achieved in one year’s time?
  • What does success feel like?
  • What is your dream scenario?

Remember, no dream is too big or outrageous. Give yourself permission to envision exactly what it is that you really want – even if it feels a little scary or even impossible. Nothing is impossible. But you have to set the intention first, and then believe that it can happen.

Even if your conscious mind has a hard time wrapping itself around your plan, your even more powerful subconscious mind will be set in motion. A well-written business plan turns your desire for success into an intention. And once you have the intention to succeed, providence moves and you will find doors opening in unexpected places that lead to success and fulfillment. Stretch yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone and put your ideal scene on paper.

Writing out a business visualization brings your dreams and desires down into concrete terms. An old proverb says, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Every flight needs a flight plan and a destination. Every successful business and career is based on a vision.

Writing a business plan will help you connect to your higher purpose for being in business in the first place. Our purpose usually involves service of some kind – contributing to and helping others. We have a primary purpose and secondary purpose. Your primary purpose is all about how you are being, every moment of the day. It’s not a matter of doing or having – it’s about how you are being with others, how you treat them and how they remember you.

Your second purpose is your work in the world. This is the work you are here to do – otherwise referred to as your mission, your vocation or your calling. Writing your business plan – how you see yourself and your business one year from today, will enable you to not only live your purpose, but will allow you to live on purpose. Once you have the map, it’s a lot easier to make it to your destination.

© Liz Dennery Sanders 2009
