Don't pay for your employment verification forms. Sign up and get them for free!
Renting out a property is no easy task for professionals, much less for the small, part time, or independent landlord or property manager. Checking ou...
Renting out a property is no easy task for professionals,

much less for the small, part time, or independent landlord or property manager. Checking out a potential renter can be a time consuming task, and the myriad of laws can leave them open for a law suit. Verification of one’s employment is one area that needs extra caution, but well prepared employment verification form can navigate such rough waters easily. The employment verification form is among the most important pieces of information that can be done on a prospective renter, as the property manager or landlord can be confident they can pay the rent on time. An employment verification form can also insulate against suit and civil action. There is no law preventing an employer from disclosing to anyone that a person works for them, but since the employer is trying to avoid law suits themselves, tend to only disclose such info with explicit permission from the employee, and typically what they reveal is limited. An employment verification form gains that permission, without going into too much detail. But then again, all that is really needed is that they are currently employed, and possibly when they started, as stability is a good thing in a tenant. Now, a real estate attorney can draft up an employment verification form that will comply with all applicable laws. But they tend to charge a fairly hefty fee for doing so. A paralegal will do it for less, but they still charge. However, if you sign up for a free account at MyPropertyManager, then you will have access to forms that are tailored for the laws of each state for free. That’s right; free employment verification forms anytime you need one. Considering that a few might be needed every time you go to rent a property, this can be a real money saver. Considering the savings of both time and money, a free employment verification form from My Property Management will quickly prove to be among your most valuable tools. If done in conjunction with perhaps a renter’s history, credit report, and phone screening, and full informed and educated decision can be made to make sure that you rent to the best prospect so the relationship potential is fully realized.