Financial Management And Practice For The Entreprises Familiales
For the success of the entreprises familiales it is important to focus on the best financial management practices and steps that will facilitate growt...
For the success of the entreprises familiales it is important to focus on the best financial management practices and steps that will facilitate growth. Many family owned businesses will experience unique challenges and therefore are require to adhere to a few procedures to prevent disastrous results should such circumstances materialize. The goal for any enterprise is to expand and requires that the company implement the necessary measures to ensure that it maintains maximum control. When money is not properly managed it can spell disaster for the business. One of the most common mistakes that enterprises make is a failure to create and maintain separate accounts for the enterprise and attending to personal financial matters. It is relatively easy to dip into the available cash generated by the company that could result in an inability to cover everyday expenses,

emergencies, and eventual bankruptcy. It is important to take the time to implement professional strategies where there is a difference between funding for the business and personal interests. The enterprise is encouraged to take the necessary steps to ensure that accounts are maintained and suitable strategies are implemented for savings and access to resources. This may involve the implementation of fiscal policies and the appropriate regulation on money so that individuals are not tempted to make use of business cash. It is best practice to assess the business cash flow involving the expenses and the income generated. For a healthy status it is of the utmost importance that positive cash flow is achieved and maintained which means that it should be readily available from creditors and customers. If your expenses become more than the generated income, it can result in an insolvent status. With the recent shifts in the economy, it has become increasingly important for the business to remain flexible and to adapt to changes. This requires that the firm is equipped to meet the ever changing needs in the industry to maintain positive growth. If the company is rigid, it will not be able to meet the demands and the changes that develop both internally and externally. A succession plan is an important strategy in the family owned business. For smaller firms without such plans, it can spell disaster and an inability to expand. This is because of the fact that outsiders are less likely to remain with the company or apply due to a lack of opportunities and the ability to advance in the firm. It is important that projects are managed in an efficient and appropriate manner so that specific persons are appointed in its execution. When members are provided authority for specific tasks only for boundaries to become blurred, it will cause chaos within the organization and hinder progress. Once the teams have been selected, individuals should be provided the ability to attend to tasks without interference. For the success of the entreprises familiales it is important to apply the correct procedures for the growth of the business. The focus should be on cash flow strategies to ensure that money is readily available for expenses and emergencies. When all staff members are sure of their roles and able to maintain finances, it is better equipped to handle change.