Finding The Right Immigration Lawyer
An overview on what an immigration lawyer can do to help you if you or a loved one are not a US citizen.
If you or a loved one are interested in becoming an American citizen it can be a confusing system to travel through without legal help. An immigration lawyer can ensure you meet the requirements for citizenship and help you file the correct visa petition.
Petitioning to become a citizen isn’t a black and white matter; there are a lot of variables that need to be addressed including why you want to be in the United States and what country you are immigrating from originally.
Non citizens can petition for citizenship on a wide variety of grounds including employment,
to attend school or conduct research, marriage or to join family members who are already citizens.
Some non citizens only want to be allowed temporary citizenship such as religious workers who are part of a missionary or church.
Other’s who petition for citizenship may be married to a US citizen or someone with a green card who refuses to petition on their behalf for citizenship because of domestic violence. People who fall into this category are allowed to petition on their own behalf to get around the roadblock of an abuser.
An immigration lawyer can help you or a loved one if you’re not sure where to turn or what your rights are in regards to applying for citizen ship status. The best place to start is by making an appointment with an immigration lawyer in your area and explaining why you want to become a citizen. Your immigration lawyer can then assess the situation and decide on the best course of action for you to take. If you have a loved one who is still in your home country that you want to bring over legally, this is a good first step to take in the process.
If you or a loved one is in the United States illegally your rights are very restricted. Some states have cracked down on allowing anyone who can not prove US citizenship the right to obtain a driver’s license which means if you fall into this category and you are driving illegally you don’t have car insurance and any accident you are in can be cause for you to detained and possibly deported as an illegal. Other states such as Arizona have begun to enforce laws to check for green cards on anyone suspect of not being a citizen by police. This has created a state of fear among immigrants who are not in the country legally but who are working and contributing members of society.
An immigration lawyer can help you regardless of your situation and help you understand what your rights and obligations are under US law and what you need to do to become a legal citizen of the US.