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TITLE: Five "How to be a Better Speaker" Articles
AUTHOR: Sandra Schrift
CONTACT: sandra@schrift.com
COPYRIGHT: ©2004 by Sandra Schrift. All rights reserved
Format:60 Characters per line
Article Autoresponder: article-035@schrift.com
One: How to Create Sizzling Speech and Book Titles
Description: Create titles that focus on what most people
want all the time. Example "How to Win Friends and Influence
People." Learn five ways to design your speech and/or
best-selling book titles.
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Two: How to Prepare Your Speech Part 1
Description: The three rules for being a top presenter are:
practice, practice, practice. The good news is that public
speaking is a craft that can be taught and learned. Review
these 14 top tips and then hire a speech coach.
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Three: How to Prepare Your Speech Part 2
Description: Move from any “woulda, coulda, shoulda”
thinking. Don’t wait for the perfect time – just DO IT!
Remember, there is no right time to begin writing your
speech or begin your speaking career.
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Four: The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Speakers
Description: Successful speakers do not do all the right
things all the time. They often take risks and risk
bombing. But all top speakers take daily action, to move
towards their goals with many adjustments. Here are ten
ways to be a highly effective speaker.
Article URL: http://www.schrift.com/article_
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Five: Ten Fatal Flaws Frequently Found from the Podium
Description: The effectiveness of a talk is whether the
audience enjoyed it and found it useful. Did the talk
influence their behavior positively and productively once
they returned to their jobs? Check this article for a top
ten list on fatal flaws from the podium.
Article URL: http://www.schrift.com/flaws.htm
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Be a Speaker with Intention
As a speaker of Intention, you can help your audience organize their energy and actions that will bring about their desired goals, dreams.Nervous? You Are Not Alone. Presentation tips from the Pros
Accept the fear and make it work for you. Most people cannot see your nervousness, so don't even mention that you are. Use this adrenaline rush of nervous energy by turning it into lots of enthusiasm in your delivery.Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
The audience wants you to succeed - so just treat them as your friends and speak in a conversational manner. You don't use notes when you speak to your friend, so don't use them now. At the most, you may use some note cards that include some key words for you to remember.