As nears the end of its first quarter, and it appears they will mark the books with a profit for their first three months of business. launched their services on 7/10/2006 and have added over 1,700 new customers since the grand opening. So far these customers have desinged over 9,000 unique ID card templates for industries from childcare to police departments.
What has made their debut so successfull is the new type of services they have introduced to the ID/plastic card industry. This new services has been managed by the “ID Card Wizard” which offers a way for companies to design their own employee ID cards, police badges or whatever the customer is trying to create. Beacause of this invention it has allowed to create photo ID cards with a “no minimum order, no setup fee” solution. The reason is because the customer designs the card and simply provies the tools to make the online designing possible and back end production that ensures cards are out within 2 business days.
Steve Kyler of the Baseketball News Services after receiving his first batch of cards stated: “The cards look excelent and you are turning them around in great time. You will definetly be keeping our business!”. Others such as Chad England of First Advantage Investigation Services said “You have been very professional in the way you handle business. And again I will refer as many people as I can to you guys, due to you being so helpful and professional, only if every company could operate in the manner you guys do!!!". It’s these types of comments that reflects the way that has decided to hadle itself when it comes to customer service and satisfaction. Allen Richardson, the CEO of stated “It makes working fun when you know that you are offering a service that get’s people excited. Empowering your employee’s to ensure that the customer’s needs and expectations are met or exceeded is part of the reason we get back daily positive feedback from our patrons.”
What’s even more exciting is that continues to imporove their services by adding features that customers have requested. Presently they are working on revamping the interface of the ID Card Wizard. The new version of this tool will bring a look and feel of a Microsoft Office product giving customers an interface that many people are already familiar with using. Mike Flanagin, the lead developer of the website said “The reason we keep enhancing the site, is because our customers keep coming up with great ideas. It’s pretty exciting to work in an environment where you get input from such varying industries.” In other discussions with Mike, it soulds like they are planning on adding many other features to make it easier and more fun to design your company’s identification needs.
The plastic card industry has moved out of a nitch market into a $9.1 billion dollar a year industry as reported in a survey produced by ICMA (International Card Manufacture’s Assocation) and it appears that is ready to climb the lader in this growing global marketplace. The same survey also stated that 14.7 billion plastic cards were produced in 2005 alone. Based on these first quarter results and number of new customers that has gained, it will not take long for them to be recognized as a leader in what used to be considered a nitch market.
Brad Pratt Resume
Bradlee Pratt's History in Landcaping, Real Estate and InvestingWhy Identification Cards are Important in Today's Economy
Business has been hard enough in this economy when people are spending less and watching for every opportunity to save a few dollars. As business tends to tighten, we have to be sure to take the very best care of each and every customer. After all, sales are a bit tougher to attain when everyone is watching their bottom line. One thing businesses can take care of during times like these is their reputation. Protecting a business’s reputation by not allowing criminals or other’s to impersonate or infiltrate your organization is critical. ID cards can be a huge factor in the verification of who someone says they are and add to a company’s credibility.Home Care Industry and Photo ID Cards
Many home care providers don't wear identification badges as nurses do in hospitals.