... is like rowing. You pull hard on the oars to go forward, then lift them out of the water and push them back to finish the stroke and get ready for the next pull. Once you’ve got the sequence
Marketing is like rowing. You pull hard on the oars to go forward,
then lift them out of the water and push them back to finish the
stroke and get ready for the next pull. Once you’ve got the
sequence of the stroke right, you and your boat slip forward
through the water and build speed and momentum. If you push when
you should be pulling, the boat goes backwards, or, even worse,
you lose your balance and fall into the bottom of the boat.
One of the biggest mistakes people make in marketing their
services is to simply PUSH information about their services and
themselves out to prospects and hope that this will result in
attracting prospects. Unless you are already a household name
and in such demand that your phone is ringing off the hook, this
approach rarely attracts the numbers of new clients you want.
The result is that most marketing falls into the bottom of the
boat instead of propelling your business forward.
An alternative to the typical push and hope approach to marketing
is to PULL prospects in and then in the context of a growing
relationship, PUSH useful information out to them. If you want
prospects to remember your firm when they have a need for your
services, start by attracting their interest.
Generate interest by focusing on what your potential clients
want and the problems they need solved. Use this client centered
marketing strategy to pull prospects in so you can push your
expertise out to them. Give them ideas they can apply instead of
information about credentials, or past clients. Like rowing your
boat, you won’t move very far unless you repeat the sequence
again and again.
Are you pulling prospects in or just pushing your information out?
Review your marketing materials to see if you have the sequence
right. Take a look at your web site, brochures, newsletters,
correspondence and proposals.
PULL TACTICS – ‘Client’ Centered
Do your marketing materials
1.Begin with a clear identification of the niche market(s) you
work with?
1. Lead with client problems and concerns?
2. Use the two elements above to create a picture that your
target market can identify with?
3. Provide useful ideas that your target market can use and that
demonstrates your expertise?
4. Offer something for free that is also useful to your target
market and demonstrates your thinking?
PUSH TACTICS – ‘You’ centered
Do your marketing materials
1. Focus on you, your services and staff?
2. Focus on glowing testimonials and your client list?
3. Use business speak, instead of language that anyone would
Which works best? Both. The challenge is getting the emphasis and
order right. The push then pull marketing sequence that works to
move your business forward involves the following:
1. Create resources that pull prospects to you and your firm
2. Get prospects to give you their contact information (Most firms
let over 99% of the people who see their information go away and
never follow up)
3. Push useful information out to self-selected prospects on a
regular basis. (Remember the majority of buyers won't make a
purchase until they've had a minimum of 5-6 contacts with your
When your prospects have a compelling need, they will turn to the
firm that they’ve had regular communication with, know and trust.
At some point prospects will want more details about your services,
credentials and testimonials. But this is often the last
information you need to provide.
Use the pull then push strategy to get your marketing moving.
You'll be amazed as you watch both your prospect and client lists
grow and your business gains momentum.
2003 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved.
Getting Maximum Website Marketing Resutls
If you want to attract visitors to your site and convert them to buyers you need to do more than just put up a COME HERE sign. You need to create an easy path for them to follow. Use these 4 steps and you'll double your conversion rates.What Are You Really Marketing? It's Not What You Think
You market your own business or you direct marketing for your company. You know what you are marketing – it's obvious. Or is it?Increasing Short and Long Term Profits
"I was at your site for all of two minutes before I bought one of your manuals. I'm impressed!" I love to get emails like this one sent by Vicki from Tucson, Arizona. Marketing my business would be easy if every client bought my products within two minutes of seeing my marketing materials, or signed up for my coaching services after a few minutes on the phone with me.