Do you regularly Wow your Clients? Is creating Wow opportunities a part of your organizational culture? How much time do you spend thinking about creating Wow for those around you - professionally or personally? It's time to find the Wow in your organization and in your personal life, and this article will show you how. You'll increase Customer satisfaction - and find new opportunities and rewards in the process.
It`s a word filled with emotion,
excitement, intrigue and more.
It`s a word that some companies try to infuse into their products, brands and even their Customer Service. They recognize that when people are wowed by their products and services, those same people will continue to be attracted to those products and services. In their minds, creating Wow means creating loyal Customers.
This article isn’t about marketing, Customer Service or business management however.
It`s about you.
Consider how your life and results would change if you were able to Wow those around you on a regular basis. . .
. . . people would want to work with you more closely
. . . people would be interested in helping you reach your goals
. . . people would naturally be attracted to your projects and ideas
. . . you would enjoy greater relationships
. . . your life would be more meaningful
. . . your life would be more fun
Many other benefits will come your way when you focus on creating Wow experiences for others, but even if there weren`t, isnt any one of the ideas above reason enough to give it a try?
Please consider the ideas that follow from a variety of perspectives. Think about how they would impact your role as a leader, a team member, a service provider, a parent and a friend. Consider how you could apply these ideas in every part of your life.
The more often you apply them, the more skilled you will become which means even better results will come your way.
Here’s How
• Be other focused. You must truly `want` to Wow other people. Your purpose is completely service focused – you are doing things for them. You see how you can make a difference in their day or life and you want to do so. Of course you know that you will reap a multitude of benefits, but Wows are created when you choose to focus on serving, surprising and delighting those around you.
• Share. Share your knowledge, insights, perspectives, experiences, ideas and knowledge. Don’t do it from a "let me coach you, because I am all-knowing" perspective, just offer to share and help.
• Engage emotionally. When you are willing to connect on an emotional level, you will more easily create Wow moments and experiences. How emotionally engaged are you with those you interact and work with each day?
• Under promise and over deliver. Do more than meet your commitments. Make sure that you only make commitments that you can meet - and then when you exceed them (with speed, ease, extra things) you will Wow!
• Raise your personal expectations. Expect a bit more of yourself. This doesn’t mean you have to become overly critical or a perfectionist, but when you hold yourself to a higher standard your Wow moments will increase. In any area, generally speaking, you will achieve only what you truly expect that you can achieve. Why not expect to Wow people regularly?
• Have fun! People love to have fun and they are drawn to others who are genuinely enjoying themselves. Inject more fun into your work and watch how that will naturally lead to Wow opportunities.
• Smile. One of the simplest and most overlooked Wows. Smile more, to more people, more of the time.
These absolutely aren’t the only ways to create Wows, but they`re a great place to start! Pick one or more of these ideas and begin Wowing today. Do it with humility and grace and you will not only improve the attitudes, outlooks and lives of others, but you will reap the same benefits for yourself.
Potential Pointer: You can create Wows for the people around you by adjusting some of your habits and perspectives. When you consciously work to create Wows for others, you will improve your life, happiness and results as well.