How Tendering Frauds Are Committed

Dec 10


Dr.Irfan Ahmad

Dr.Irfan Ahmad

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Tendering fraud can be defined as dishonestly obtaining an advantage, avoiding and obligation or causing a loss to public property or various means during procurement process by public servants, contractors or any other person involved in the procurement.




Procurement fraud can be defined as dishonestly obtaining an advantage,How Tendering Frauds Are Committed Articles avoiding and obligation or causing a loss to public property or various means during procurement process by public servants, contractors or any other person involved in the procurement.


Procurement Fraud can be committed:


From Inside

By Public Servants



From Outside

By Contractors & Suppliers


By Collusion



Inside collusion

By two or more Insiders


Outside collusion

By Two or more contractors

Cartels or collusion tendering


Mix collusion

Inside and outside personals working together.



Distinction between fraud and error


The basic distinction between fraud and error is that of intention. Any error is unintentional, i.e. the person committing the error does not do so knowingly. Errors are accidental and may arise due to negligence or a genuine misunderstanding on the part of the person committing then. As opposed to errors the fraud is intentional The person committing fraud does so knowingly, willfully, and with the motive of gaining advantage or benefits by cheating or causing loss or injury to another person or state, acting along or in the collusion with one and another.