how to make a full use of your advertising video and pictures? follow me !
An increasing number of companies are publishing advertising pictures and videos onto their websites as they strive to give demanding consumers the content they want. In fact, a number of studies have shown that more and more top retailers are using online video to engage with their visitors, and drive up repeat visits and sales. A study by eMarketer earlier this year even suggested that video content could help reduce shopping cart abandonment -- an attractive proposition for any online retailer.
So how can you make use of video and picture?
How Could Your Company Use Video Content?
It's all very well deciding your business should leap onto the video content bandwagon, but what do you actually intend to use it for and what kind of content best suits that? There are many options. You could publish video news, industry guides, interviews, or simply funny, industry-relevant content. Some of these are easier to do than others -- it's comparatively simple to create a straightforward interview with your CEO or a product development manager. However, it takes real skill to create something funny that people will want to share and stands a chance of going viral. There's nothing worse than seeing a failed attempt at humor on a corporate website, particularly if it's badly shot and edited. It's like watching your Dad dance the Macarena.
Use Video Content to Impact Universal Search & SEO
Although the search engines are getting better at reading video content, your videos can still work hard for your organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.
Keep it Short to Keep Them Sweet
Don't expect viewers to sit through four or five minutes of video content, because in general they won't. The vast majority will click away and you'll lose the sale you were trying to drive them towards.
A wonderful example for all of you makes full use of video and picture advertising; the two methods help them improve the sales volume. Let’s going to check,
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